Safe and Sound {30}

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Despite the Minister's deceitful tendencies, his promise rang true.

"Travis!" Sal ran towards his boyfriend, ignoring the reproachful glares from other students in the crowded hallway, "what happened to you? I was so worried!"

Travis laughed quietly, "glad to know I was missed. If I'm being honest," he paused, collecting his thoughts, "I'm not sure. I can explain everything to you, but not here. Todd would definitely love to hear this."

"Hey, did you change your hair?" Travis' bangs sat lower on the right part of his face, covering his eye.

"I don't want you to freak out, let's go to the bathroom." He grabbed Sal's hand, leading him to the putrid, school restroom. The suspense was only making Sal more nervous than he already was, which seemed impossible. Thankfully, the room was empty, leaving the two alone. Travis winced as he lightly touched the part of his face that was covered, slowly revealing his swollen, clouded eye. Sal slapped a hand over the mouth of his prosthetic, eyes widened in shock.

"I- Travis, what- are you okay?" He spluttered, unable to keep one single though on his mind.

"It should probably be fine, I'm not completely sure yet. Everything in that eye is blurry, and it really hurts." Travis trailed off at the end of his sentence, folding his arms over his stomach.

Sal gingerly brought his hand up to Travis' face, brushing his thumb against his cheek. He gazed into Travis' now different coloured eyes, "I was so scared that you were dead, Trav."

"I know," the blond leaned his head into the soft touch, placing his hand over Sal's, "I'm sorry. For what it's worth, you were all I was thinking about." The sweet sentiment didn't hang in the air for too long, as the door to the bathroom was promptly kicked open.

"Hey, I heard someone say Travis is- oh, am I interrupting something?" Larry stood in the doorway, blankly staring at the couple.

"Lar, close the door!" Sal jumped backwards, letting go of Travis' face, though he swiftly regretted that decision.

"Ah, right, sorry!" He stepped farther into the room, the door swinging shut behind him. The brunette quickly shifted his attention to Travis, "woah, what happened to you, dude? I thought you looked like shit before, but this is a whole different level." He quipped, playfully.

Travis smiled at his teasing, it looked like they were finally getting along. "It's a long story, I'll have to tell you guys after school."

"After school? Your dad is letting you stay after school?" Sal questioned.

"Yeah, I don't get it either. He's been a lot more calm about everything than I thought he would be."

"Calm? Did you steal some of my blunts or something? The crazy bastard absolutely mauled that fucking book!" Larry piped up, his voice raised in pitch.

Travis opened his mouth to respond, a puzzled look spreading across his face. "Wait, how did you know about that? Did you guys break into my house?" His voice was full of disbelief, eyes darting between the brothers, frantically.

Sal scratched the back of his neck, "yeah, about that. We got really worried about you, so we may have taken matters into our own hands."

"Are you both actually insane? What if you got caught, could you even imagine what would've happened?" He paced back and forth, running his hand through his slightly grown out hair.

Larry moved closer, "hey, we were doing a good thing. Sal was sacred for you, so there's no need to be a dick, and stop walking around like that, you're making me dizzy." He placed a hand on Travis' arm, stopping his movement.

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