Breaking Down the Walls (pt2) {8}

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TW: mentions of abuse, self harm


Most of this chapter is pretty slow, sorry! Hope you enjoy it anyways. 

        "C'mon Ash, just give it a shot!" Larry shook his outstretched hand towards Ash, forcing the Gameboy near her face.

"I think one adventure's more that enough for me." She pushed the device away.

The rest of their disagreement didn't register to Sal, his eyes drawn to the flip phone in the palm for his hand. Her eyes landed on Sal fiddling with his phone, she pushed a stand of her hair out of the face.

"You alright, Sally?" The focus in the room shifted towards him.

"Hm? Oh, I'm all good, just a bit tired." 

"If you say so." Larry and Todd exchanged knowing looks from across the room.

The tension in the room stayed, although the friendly bickering continued. Sal flipped open his phone in hopes of a message from Travis. His heart skipped a beat as he read the words across the screen. 

"My father said I can study with you tomorrow, I have to be home before 6:00."

Sal quickly responded, "awesome! do you wanna eat dinner at mine?"

Travis took a few minutes to respond, Sal assumed he was trying to convince his father to allow it, he'd always been a strict, demanding man. 


Sal smiled, despite the torture he had endured at the hand of Travis, he couldn't help but feel a strange warmth in his chest.

"It's getting late, I'm gonna head out now." Sal stood up, brushing down his pants with his hands.

"Alrighty, Sally Face, do you wanna try the fifth floor again tomorrow? Maybe Megan will be there this time." 

"Sorry, Lar, I've got plans tomorrow, see you guys at school!" He swung open the door to Larry's bedroom, stepping into the rest of the apartment.

"Wait, Sal, what plans?" Ash stood up, her long brown hair rested on her shoulders, which were covered by her purple sweater, her green eyes staring into him. Sal hesitated before responding, he knew how his friends would react with him spending time with Travis, with the exception of Todd. 

"I'm helping a friend with homework."

"Which friend?"

He glanced around the room, debating if he should tell the truth, "Travis."

The shocked look on Ash and Larry's faces were expected, Sal left the room before either of them had the chance to object.

        Sal sat up in bed, a cold sweat running down his back. The nightmares had been progressively getting worse each night, it never got easier. He checked the clock on his nightstand, it was still too early to get ready for the day, the lit up phone screen caught his eye. 

"Hey, Sally Face, are you awake?"

"Yep! Wassup?"

"You didn't tell anyone, right? About the note."

"No, I promised I wouldnt"


"Is that it?"

"I guess so."

"Wanna talk about other stuff?"

Travis didn't respond. Sal sighed, laying back down. He stared at the ceiling, thinking about how he'd actually managed to get Travis to voluntarily hang out with him. A smile creased his scarred lips, but he wasn't allowed to forget his goal, get information on the Ministry, and the possibility of a cult. 

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