Recruitment {22}

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So sorry for late post, but I am finally back from my trip! Thank you all so much for all the reads, comments and votes, it means so much to me. I was so shocked when I got back and Denial had 3.2k views, when I left with 1.8k. I can't express all my gratitude, thank you. Extreme warning for spoilers for Sally face. If you have not seen the entire game (including some easter eggs), you may not want to read this chapter.

       Travis was right, the studying was absolutely treacherous, though he was ever so slightly grasping the concepts. All biases aside, Todd was a good teacher. The boys decided to stop when  Larry barged in, demanding weed. 

"Lar, go get your own!" Sal protested, crossing his arms.

"C'monnnnn!"  Larry was speaking like a toddler.

"No! Crawl back to whatever miserable hole you climbed out of!" 

"Actually, I'm glad Larry's here. We have a perfect opportunity here, we need to talk." Todd chimed in, interrupting the two squabbling children. 

"Yeah? What's up?" Larry asked as he sat up from playfully beating up Sal.

"Due to recent events, we have even more reason to suspect the recent activity of a certain anti religious group. The only person who can get us fast, reliable and accurate reports, is Travis. I wanted to consult you guys on this, but I think we all know what's best for our investigation."

Larry and Sal exchanged looks, "I don't want to put him in any unnecessary danger." 

"I know you care very deeply for him, but he is our only chance of unveiling the atrocities that are being committed, Sal." Travis tensed, did Sal tell him about their complicated relationship?

"Yeah, I dunno, Todd. Can we really trust him?" Larry furrowed his eyebrows at him suspiciously.

"He is our only choice, he is the only hope we have." A void of silence followed, everyone thinking over their options.

"He won't believe us even if we tell him."

"You guys do know I'm here, right?" Travis grew annoyed with everyone talking about him like some helpless child.

"Just a min, Trav." Sal held up a finger to hush Travis, "He's already seen and spoken with Megan,  what would stop him from believing us now?"

"Sal, please. There's a huge fuckin' difference between knowing about the little dead girl in 504, and knowing about the Church. His Father is literally th-"

"Larry, shut up!" Sal interjected loudly, "He doesn't need to know that yet!"

"What about my Father?" Travis' attention was peaked, how could the Church be involved in an anti-religious group?

Larry noticed Sal's icy glare, "It's nothing, Travis."

"No, you can't talk about my family right in front of me and then not explain what's going on."

"Travis, I understand your anger, but we can't explain everything right now. If these two," He motioned to Sal and Larry, "Can come to an agreement, eventually you'll know everything."

His hand balled into fists, how could they decide what he knows about his own Father? Sal glanced at Travis' aggressive demeanour, knowing he was about to explode.

"Trav, how about we talk outside for a second." He stood and gently grabbed Travis' forearm. 

"Let's." His voice was jaded, making everyone tense up. Travis followed Sal out of the apartment, closing the door behind them. The hallway was eerily quiet, it felt as though someone, or something, was watching them. 

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