Persuading a Mule {16}

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      Tw: mild mentions of drugs


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS AHH! I feel like these last three chapters have been so slow, also I don't think my province does the mile run so I've never had the misfortune of participating. Sorry if I got any details about that wrong! 

        Larry was always a very strong willed person. Nothing was able to change his mind about anything, but this fact didn't stop Sal from trying. The school bell rang, as per usual, and students flooded the slim hallways. Sal's mind was congested with ideas and plans on how to habituate Travis into the gang, Larry would be the biggest issue of all. His first class was art with Larry and Ash, they would both definitely take a bit of work.

        "Heya, Sally! What's up?"

"Nothing much, how about you?" Sal dropped his binder and pencil case onto the table.

"A bit tired, how was church yesterday?"

"I've sat through worse." Ash laughed at this. Everyone in her family except for Ash was Christian, meaning that she was forced into countless services at the Phelps Ministry. Sal settled into the seat next to Ashley, the formatting of the art room was different. Rather than individual desks, this room had large, rectangular tables. Everyone else's tables were filled with five to six people, while the only members of Sal's table were Ashley, Larry and himself. Even though Sal had grown accustomed to the stares and insults, it always hurt when others avoided being around him, like he was some contagious virus. 

"Is Larry here today?" Ash asked, as she dug around a small purple bag for her lucky pencil.

"He was on the bus with me, he's probably putting his stuff away or going to the bathroom." Sal pulled a sketch book from his bag. Their current assignment was on colour theory, something Sal didn't even know was a thing. His two artistic friends tried helping him before, and their knowledge was beginning to rub off on him. 

"Why did you decide to go, anyways?" Ash was also drawing out her ideas on a blank paper.  

"I went to support Travis, he's in the choir." The brunette dropped her paper on the table, staring in shock at Sal.  

"What? Sal, I know that you're a very trusting person, but you can't actually feel bad for him, right? The guy's a bitch! He doesn't deserve your kindness."

"Ash, can you tell me why you hate him so much?" His eyes met hers, awaiting an answer, his retort already prepared.

"He's been harassing you for so long, Sal! Nobody should treat you like that, you're such an amazing person."

"Right, if you dislike because of his treatment of me, shouldn't you trust my judgement when I ask you to give him a chance?" Ash didn't respond, realizing that he had a point, "I'm not asking you to like him, I'm just asking you to not be rude to him. I know you can do that, if not for him, do it for me."

She sighed, returning to her paper, "If it really means this much to you, I guess I can try. But I can't guarantee you it'll work out. He'll always be the same uptight, altar boy to me, and I reserve the right to say "'I told you so'" when things don't go to plan."

"Thank you, Ash, really. Now, all I have to do is convince Larry."

Ashley snorted a laugh, "good luck with that one, he hates that guy's guts."

One down, one to go.  

        "Hey, dude! You weren't in art, you okay?"

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