Meeting the Monster {10}

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TW: Mentioned/implied child abuse


        Happy pride month everyone!!!!!! I wanted to mention this in the last chapter but I totally forgot lmao. The picture at the top of each chapter indicates which character's story will be followed. For example, this one is Travis centered, so it has the Travis fan art at the top, (not created by me). I try to do two chapters in a row of either Sal or Travis, but I sometimes also follow both of them, the image for that one can be found in the top of "He knows". I dunno if that made any sense, but I hope it did! 

        Travis and Sal entered the main office, Travis anxiously bit the inside of his cheek. A staff member explained that the situation was being retold to their parents in the hallway before they were all able to sit down, Larry had been called down and Lisa was still driving to the school. The two sat down, once again, being left alone together.

"You think you what?" Sal didn't look up from the ground as he spoke. Travis shifted uncomfortably, having completely lost his confidence.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, fighting the urge to stand up and run away.

"For attacking me?"

"Well, that too, but that's not what I was talking about."

"Then what." Travis looked up to Sal, mustering up the nerve to finish his thought.

"It's you, all of you. I don't know how to explain it, I just, I'm sorry."

"Do you mean that all of me is wrong?" Sal hesitated on the last word, almost as if it pained him to say.

"No! Not at all, I'm the one that's wrong. I can't help but feel guilty."

"You're not making any sense, Travis." Travis knew he wasn't making sense, a part of him wished that Sal would understand his feelings, but it was still wrong. No matter how much he desired to be loved by him, it wasn't allowed. He wasn't allowed to be happy.

"Hey, Sally face!" Larry sauntered into the waiting area, arrogant as ever. 

"Hey, Larry face!"

Larry's eyes landed on Travis, he scowled before sitting on the chair next to Sal. 

"Is Lisa here yet?"

"Yeah, I just saw her walk inside, what are we waiting for?"

"Just you two." Sal laughed at the end of his sentence for no apparent reason. Henry and Lisa walked into the room, chatting genially. Lisa turned to Larry, the look of pure disappointment on her face was almost worse than anything Travis had ever seen. She looked similar to Larry, they shared alike hair colors, noses and facial structure. Lisa was a fairly frail looking woman, her lightly tanned skin seemed to cling to her sharp cheekbones. 

"Lar-bear, I expected better from you. The principal wants to talk to us separately first, stand up." Larry obliged, clearly peeved about the nickname, although it was in a sweet regard. Normally, Travis would make a snide remark about it, but his anxiety was too extreme this time. They both left the room, Lisa quietly scolded him as the exited

"Hey, bud. How're you feeling?" Henry asked as he approached Sal.  Despite his gruff voice, he had a warm energy surrounding him. He looked tired, with deep eye bags and slouched posture. He has the same electric blue hair as Sal, but it was receding, and much shorter, his full beard was slightly untamed. 

"My face really hurts, I'd say I think I broke my nose, but I don't think that's possible." His dad's face looked concerned, he lightly put his hand on Sal's chin and turned it to the side, examining the prosthetic for damages.

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