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I jolt out of bed like I've been struck by lightning and run to the bathroom. I rush through my hygiene routine. How did I think going out on a Sunday would end up? Look at me now, running around this bedroom like I'm chasing mice all because I drank like fish last night. Arg. Charles is going to kill me, I swear. I rampage through my closet in search of something to wear; something that won't require me to iron as time is against me. I always struggle to find a decent work attire in winter, and today is one of those days where I'm genuinely struggling to find something. My phone pings from somewhere in the bedroom but I have no time to attend to it. If I pick it up, I'll see how late I am and that will just fuel my already piquing state of panic and anxiety. I'm sure, no let me say, I'm hoping that it's my friend Ayanda checking to see if I'm on my way to work. She should be ashamed of herself because I'm in this current position because of her. And yes, I am going to place the blame on her for my reckless behaviour. Look, don't get me wrong, Yaya's a very responsible, ambitious young lady who works her butt off but just like me, her work is very demanding and whenever we decide to let loose, we tend to go overboard. We work hard and play hard. I spot a mocha long-sleeved cotton knitwear ribbed midi dress and instantly grab it. I pair it with brown heeled boots and complete the look with a pair of claw diamond studs. Now I'm ready to go. Oh, hair? I'm bald, so no need to fret about that. Hallelujah. I walk to the pedestal in search of my phone and it's not there which can only mean one thing; it's under the pile of clothes that are on the floor. I grunt. "Fuck!" I toss the close aside until I find what I'm looking for. I rush out of my bedroom and grab my laptop bag with my car keys by the entryway and dash out the door. I'll grab something to eat at the office. I highball through the Johannesburg traffic in hopes of making it to my meeting before that he-devil takes note of my absence or at least lasteism. Working with elderly, more experienced people tend to be very onerous especially if you're a young, African woman who's highly driven and ambitious. That's where I'm at. I'm one of the best, yet youngest senior associates in my firm and yet I have to work twice as hard as my 'other' peers who're half as knowledgeable and motivated as me, but I guess this is life. I park my car like a taxi driver and spring out of my car, grabbing my laptop bag on my way out. I don't even know if I've locked the car as I run inside the building, I'll just have to believe that I did. I see eyes gawking at me as I run past the reception area, up the stairs. "He's left his office," Cindy, one of our receptionist's yells behind me. Fuck. As though I couldn't run any quicker, I up my pace and make it in the nick of time before he settles down.

The meeting went well, though Charles made sure to throw daggers my way throughout. He truly despises me. I throw my bag on top of the couch and flop next to it, heaving an exasperated sigh.

"That bad, huh?" Qhawe asks, peeking his head through the door. I shake my head, "You have no idea." He chuckles and makes his way into the office. I hope he's not here on one of his quests because I'm honestly not in the mood. He drags one of the chairs that are placed in front of my desk and places it next to me. "So..." he says, trailing off. Lord Jesus, please make him disappear. I turn my head to look at him with a stoic expression on my face. "So what?" I say, raising my body from its slouched position. He chuckles nervously as I fix my eyes on him. One thing you should know about me is that I can be very intimidating... Very. A part of it comes with the job but for the most part, yindalo. (It's in my nature)

"Well, I was hoping you'd be willing to join me for lunch today." he says, shyly.

"Qhawe, it's not even ten o'clock and you're already asking me about lunch?" Faragwad.

"Well, I wanted to be the first one to book you, in case -"

"Book me? What am I? A restaurant?"

"Come on Tee, you know that's not what I meant."

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