Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

The tension and awkwardness in the yard is palpable. You could cut it with a sword. Standing by at the entrance of the gate is an elderly man, who's the exact replica of Banzi. There's no doubt that he is his father. He's as tall, if not taller as Banzi; now I know where he gets his height from. Beside him stands a beautiful girl, who looks like she's between the age of sixteen and eighteen. She has long hair that she's tied into a bun. She's wearing sweatpants, an oversized sweater with sneakers. I'm sure she's hiding a smoking body beneath those baggy clothes she's wearing. The no longer eloquent and poised Anathi is wiping her tears profusely with her back hand and is trying by all means to look 'put together'. I guess she knows him, otherwise she wouldn't go to such lengths to try and present herself in a presentable manner if this old man didn't matter. Mkq.

"Lubanzi, kwenzeka ntoni apha?" the old man asks, shifting his index finger in between the three of us. (What is happening here) Instead of responding to his father's question, Banzi shifts from foot to foot in an uncomfortable manner, running his hand through his locks. "Eish, taima," he says, focusing on his shoes that seem to be more interesting. (Dad) His father clicks his tongue and stares at me, or I think at Lina since I'm holding him. I can't exactly decipher what his facial expression is but judging from his silence, I doubt it's any good. "Awuzondiphendula?" (Are you not going to answer me) For those who don't know, this is a typical question one will get from an angry African parent. Your response will determine the outcome. "Err, taima, u-," Banzi begins, in an attempt to explain but Lina's crying refuses to be ignored. Now I'm not sure what I should do. Do I leave them outside and take care of Lina or do I hand him over to Banzi? Kaloku, let's not forget that I'm just a girlfriend here and when it comes to this dynamic, I hold no stance.

"Are you just going to let him cry like that?!" Anathi screams, marching towards me.

"Anathi!" Banzi stops her yet again just as she's about to reach me. Anathi is insane.

"Ndiyeke!" She screams, yanking her arm away from Banzi. (Let me go)

"Anathi, stop this man. You're upsetting him."

Banzi's statement seems to enrage her even more. She chuckles bitterly and paces up and down.

"I'm the one who's upsetting him? Me? HIS MOTHER?" She shouts while poking her chest.

I don't mean to get side tracked or anything but isn't that painful? Shuu.

"Baby," I whisper behind Banzi. I'm really scared now.

"Ngen'endlini baby," Banzi says to me with his eyes still fixed on Anathi. (Go inside the house)

"Mlandele, Siphokazi," the old man says. (Follow her) Oh, she's Banzi's little sister.

As I start walking towards the house, I hear shuffling and struggling behind me.

"Bring my son here, you bitch! Bring him here!" Anathi is screaming at the top of her lungs.

Siphokazi grabs my arm and drags me inside the house. My heart is thudding against my chest.

Lina is crying to the point where he's even experiencing hiccups now. I hush him down as soon as we walk in.

"Ntombazana, ufunani ntoni apha?" I hear Banzi's father speak a little louder outside. (Girl, what are you looking for here)

"I want my son! I want my son!"

"I've never seen her like this," Siphokazi says, peeking through the kitchen window.

"Oh, you've met her?" I find myself asking. Of course, she has. What kind of a dumb question is that?

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