Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Banzi doesn't even wait to see Anathi exit the yard. He walks back inside the house and shuts the door behind him. "Are you guys okay?" he asks, walking towards where I'm still rooted, in the middle of the passage with Lina in my arms. I nod my head and lean into his touch as he plants a kiss on my temple. I wrap my arm around his waist and lean both Lina and I on his chest. "Wena, are you okay?" I whisper against his hard and warm chest. (You) I can feel his heart thud aggressively against his chest. His body is stiff and is trembling lightly. He brushes his hand on my back soothingly before he answers me. I think he's caressing my back for his own comfort rather than mine. "I will be, sthandwa sam," he says, in a low tone, planting a kiss on the top of my head. (My love) My heart breaks at the sound of his voice. Anathi just had to crawl out of whatever hole she came from and come mess things up for us. We stand like that, in each other's arms for some time until he breaks the silence. "We should get ready," he says, loosening his arms around my waist. I don't think I've ever seen Banzi like this. I can literally feel him withdrawing from me. I stare and look at him hoping he will say something else. "I'll go prepare bathing water for you," he says, already making his way to the kitchen, leaving me standing in the middle of the passage. I'm tempted to follow him to make sure that he's okay but then again, I think he needs a bit of time to himself so I opt for the latter. Snapping out of my head, I shuffle my feet back to the bedroom. I need to fix the bed and also wipe the sperms off the floor. I place Lina in his cot and get busy with tidying up. I can't believe what started as a beautiful morning has turned so sour. Our ex's are seriously mood killers. The bedroom door creaks open just as I finish wiping the floor and Banzi walks in with a basin that's filled with my bathing water inside. "Your water's ready baby," he says, placing the basin on the floor, before looking at me. I smile, discarding the cloth I'm using to wipe the floor. I take a few steps towards him and stand in front of him. I stand on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me before brushing my lips against his luscious ones. He returns the gesture and snakes his arm around my waist, closing the gap between us while his other hand slips under my t-shirt. My nipples harden as soon as his hand comes in contact with my skin. He cups my breast. I can't help but quiver and moan.

"Awonelanga?" he asks in amusement while pinching my nipple. (Have you not had enough)

"I could never have enough of you," I confess, giggling. He chuckles sexily against my lips.

"Haike, mna ndonele," he retorts. (Well, I've had enough)

I gasp and detach my lips from his, feigning hurt. He bursts out laughing.

"I'm kidding, love," he says, grazing his teeth on my jawline, down to my neck. I whimper.

He rests his head on the nook of my neck and sighs heavily.

"How are you feeling, really?" I ask, softly. I know he's not okay, but I want him to tell me.

"Angry. Hurt," he states. I nod my head while massaging his scalp with my fingers. He groans.

"You're waking sleeping dogs," he says.

I giggle. I know how much he enjoys me massaging his scalp.

"Are they ever asleep?" I taunt. He laughs softly and slowly removes his head from my neck.

"You're a temptress but I won't fall for your tricks," he says, loosening his arm from my waist.

"Are you sure?" I ask sultrily while slipping my hand inside his gown.

I trail my hand down his abs, to his pubic hair but he grabs my wrist just as I'm about to reach his dick.

"Stop or I won't be held responsible for what I do to you," he says in a deep voice.

I clench my thighs together and I feel more of his sperm dripping from my core.

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