Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Banzi's POV

I feel like I'm going to explode. I should have seen this coming... no wait I did but I decided to be ignorant. Now look at me. I could lose the woman I love all because of my stupidity. I don't think I'll survive if anything happens to her, or our baby. The last time I pleaded this much with God was when I was losing my mother. That was one of the most difficult times in my life and I once thought nothing would supersede that pain yet here I am... Spiralling out of control. I slide inside my car, slamming the door behind me. Placing the envelope beside me, I bring the engine to life. I have one more pitstop to make before heading back to the hospital. I check the SMS that Manando sent me before making my way through the not so heavy Joburg traffic. This one is going to know me today. I park in front of the block of flats and wander my eyes trying to locate the apartment number that I'm looking for. After spotting it, I grab the envelope and jump out of.

Getting into the complex wasn't a hassle as you'd expect or rather let me say money talks.

"Who is it?" a voice I now loathe says behind the door.

"It's me," I say coldly without waiting for a second to pass by.

The door creaks open and she appears looking radiant and as put together as I recall her.

"Lu," she breathlessly exclaims, clutching her hand on her chest.

I step inside without waiting for her to welcome me in, pushing her aside. She gasps.

"What're you doing here?"

Seems like her and her boyfriend's favourite question.

"Going somewhere?" I ask, eyeing her bags that are lined up by the door.

My question seems to unsettle her as her eyes bounce around the room haphazardly again... just like her boyfriend.

"I'm... I'm going back to rehab," she says, sounding unsure. I chuckle bitterly.

"Is it now?" I ask, regarding her with a frown.

She fidgets, shifting from one foot to the other while still rooted by the door. Nothing about her or how she looks, says she's going to rehab. She looks like someone who's going on vacation.

"I don't answer to you, Lubanzi!" She snaps, still with her eyes averted from mine.

I break into a sonorous laugh. This seems to anger her. That's it...

"You're right about that; you don't answer to me, but you will answer for what you've done," I say, throwing the envelope at her.

It lands in front of her feet and with trembling hands, she picks it up. She peels the seal open. My eyes fixed on her to see her reaction when she realises what's going on. I hear her gasp softly and her eyes widen like daisies.

"It's... It's not what it looks like," she says, powering through her words.

"What does it look like?" I ask, removing my gun from my waist, placing it on the armrest of her couch.

I sit on her couch and with my elbows on my knees, I cup my face in my hands and stare at her.

"Banzi, please," she pleads, her entire body trembling like she's been showered with cold water.

Why's she pleading? I haven't even touched her.

"It's not what it looks like," she repeats, pissing me off.

"Then I must be blind," I spit, removing my elbows from my knees.

My sudden movement startles her, and she jumps back, her back almost colliding with the wall.

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