Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Banzi's POV

The drive to the hospital seems longer than it should. Gugu said she's being rushed to Waterfall Mediclinic which is literally just a few minutes' drive from Nzolo's house. Everyone is quiet as we fly through the mild Saturday afternoon Joburg traffic. Even the bubbly Mtha is silent. I think he can sense that something is wrong since his father interrupted his play date with his Linam. Ludwe's the one who is driving because neither Nzolo nor I are in a suitable state to be behind the wheel. Also, we have children on our laps since we're using Ludwe's car that doesn't have any car seats. "We're here," Ludwe's voice rings in my ears. I must have trailed off for too long. We all jump off, Nzolo leading the way, and head straight for reception.

"Molo sisi, I'm looking for my sister, Thando Twalo," Nzolo says to the receptionist. (Hello)

I don't think he realizes, or rather cares, that the lady is white, he's just mixing languages.

"Good afternoon, Sir. Let me check for you," she says kindly, tapping lightly on her keyboard.

We stand patiently, or so we seem, waiting for her response.

"The doctor is still busy with her. She's in emergency room five, which is right down the passage on your left," she says, showing us the directions with her hand.

"Thank you," we all sing, already making our way towards the direction she pointed us to.

Linam starts fidgeting and fussing in my arms as though he knows that somethings going on.

"Baby," Gugu cries, launching herself on her husband as soon as she sets eyes on us.

She looks like a mess. Whatever evidence that they went on a spa day has been erased.

"Sthandwa sam," Nzolo says to his wife, wrapping his arms around her. (My love)

"We were talking and she just -" she tries to explain but her voice fails her, and she wails.

Ludwe walks to Ayanda and sits beside her. She, unlike Gugu, is not silent, no tears in sight.

"Bambi," he says, taking her hand into his.

She doesn't respond. It's like she's in a world of her own.

"Bambi," Ludwe calls out to her again.

This time it seems like she hears him because she slowly turns her head and faces him. Her eyes sparkle with tears as she takes him in. Ludwe quickly places his arm around her and pulls her to him.

"It's going to be okay, my love," he whispers to her as he soothes her.

She shakes her head against his head I guess in denial or refusal.

"You didn't see her," she says softly.

Unlike them, I'm anchored in the middle of the passage, waiting for someone to say something.

"What happened?" Nzolo asks while gently removing his wife from his chest.

Finally! A question I'm seeking an answer to. Gugu wipes her tears, with the help of her husband.

"She complained about being lightheaded, so we assumed it was because she was hungry, and got her something to eat but even after she ate her dizziness persisted. We then decided to cancel the rest of our treatments and head home and that's when she collapsed," Gugu explains.

My heart feels like it's going to stop pounding at any second as I listen to her.

"Have the doctors or nurses said anything to you since you arrived?" Ludwe asks.

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