Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

It's just after five and I'm spent. All I need is a hot bath, a nice meal with a glass of wine. I pack my things and collect the flowers that my man got me and make my way out of the office. At least they are white unlike those ones that that idiot left in my office. As exhausted as I may be, I'm as giddy as I was when I walked into this building this morning. I underestimated the power of a simple gesture such as someone sending you flowers. I'd find myself staring at them with a stupid smile on my face. If Banzi is also a romantic, then I'm in trouble. I love being spoiled; it's my love language. Imagine being in a relationship with the man of your dreams who also caters to your love language? Do you see where the danger is? I feel eyes on me as I make my way out of the building but who cares? I'm sure the latest narrative is that I'm a certified whore now but again, who gives a shit? They can all jump off the next hill for all I care. I throw my things in the car and place my roses in the back seat. I'm going to drive to Hartelief Baby Boutique first. They sell baby products so I'm going to their store to pick up the crib I bought for Lina. Yeah, I know, I know but I did say I'm in my mommy era and I'm loving it. I hope Banzi doesn't take offence to my purchase, but I thought it'd be a good idea to get him a bed of his own. Though the cot is for Lina, the aesthetics are for me. It's a soft grey deep buttoned bassinet with matt gold legs. I absolutely love it. I swear if it wasn't for the price, I was going to buy two but since I'm a regular working 'mom', one will do. Collecting the cot is hassle free and in no time, I'm already driving back home. I'm thankful that it's past peak time and I'm able to drive without any delays. I arrive in Tembisa just before seven and find the outside lights of Banzi's house already switched on. I sigh in relief because he knows how much I fear the dark, especially that of Tembisa. This is why I have the motion sensor lights at my place because I can't stand the dark. The gate is open, so I can enter easily. I smile at this seemingly tiny gesture. Banzi is truly a man after my heart. I park my car beside his, take my flowers from the back seat and head inside the house. The rest Banzi will bring inside; it's what he normally does, and he's made me accustomed to it so much that I don't even bother myself anymore. I step inside the house and find my boys passed out on top of the couch. From what I can tell from the mess in the middle of the lounge, they were playing and must have gotten tired. Banzi has Lina on his chest, with one hand tucked beneath his head. They both look so adorable right now, busy looking like twins. I silently make my way to the kitchen and place the flowers on top of the counter before heading back to the lounge. I place a kiss on Banzi's lips and pick up Lina. Banzi flutters his eyes open and looks around in disorientation.

"Hey. You're back," he whispers in his groggy voice that shows he's been sleeping.

"Hi, baby," I greet, bending down to plant my lips on his once again.

He places a hand behind my neck and deepens our kiss. I moan and raise my body up. He smirks.

"How was your day, sthandwa sam?" He asks, swinging his legs across. (My love)

"It was good, love, thank you for asking. How was yours?" I ask, taking a seat beside him.

"Tiring. I had to pass by the workshop today to help the gents with a client's car and in between that I take to drop and pick up this little from the nursery," he says, brushing Lina's back tenderly as he lays against my chest.

"Seems like you had a hectic day," I say, looking at Lina who's fidgeting on my chest.

"I did, but you look like you had it worse," he says, chuckling. I giggle.

"It was long but not that bad. All I need is a hot bath and some good food and I'll be okay."

"The good food I have covered but the bath situation may be a bit of a challenge," he says shyly.

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