Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The cold air snaps me back into reality as soon as I hear my bedroom door banging shut. I have come to realise that as much as Banzi is not much of an outgoing person, he has a very kinky side. I mean who walks around, no let's take it all the way back. Who leaves their house in the early hours of the morning without wearing any draws on? Yes, it could be that he left in such a rush to my house that he had no time to put them on, which leads me to believe that he sleeps naked when he's alone. Otherwise, how else can you explain him not wearing his briefs unless he did so intentionally. Anyway, I get back to getting dressed and decide to adhere to the man's request by wearing a skirt. If it wasn't this cold, I'd wear a real vezi thanga that sits just under my ass but since the weather is acting up this morning, I'll wear an olive three-quarter long skirt that hugs my body in the right places. I pair the skirt with a white long sleeved cotton crewneck. Since I'm planning on being home all day, I don't bother with wearing a bra. Strongs to whoever's, read that as Banzi, eyes who'll meet my erect nipples. Comfort before anything bazalwane. (Brethen) I slip on my morning shoes and head out of my bedroom, straight to the kitchen. I find the trio in the kitchen, the elders conversing lightly; Ayanda finishing off breakfast while Banzi is shaking Lina's bottle in his hand.

"You surely took your time," Yaya teases as soon as she spots me. I roll my eyes at her.

"Looking good takes time," I retort, walking towards Lubanzi to take Linam from him. He takes in my outfit with his eyes and smirks sexily at me.

"This outfit suits you," he whispers softly at me as he hands me an already smiling Linam.

"Thank you," I respond, shying away from his scorching gaze that has my cheeks heating up.

"Nisebeza nithini nina apho?" Yaya yells behind me. (What're you two whispering about)

"Uthand'indaba," I respond, giggling while walking away from a slightly uncomfortable Lubanzi who lowers his eyes away from Yaya's glare before running his hand through his locks. (You love people's business)

"Kanti nam ndinaye umntu endino sebeza naye. Nitsho uba nifuna ndihambe," she says, placing both our plates on top of the island. (I also have a partner whom I can also whisper with. Tell me if you want me to leave)

"Ngubani ke lomntu wakho uthetha ngaye?" I ask, grabbing my plate on top of the island. (Who's this man you're talking about?) I won't lie, this omelette looks good.

"You'll meet him one day," she says, lying through her teeth. Ayanda is such a menace, really.

"Right," I say sarcastically as I place my plate on the dining table.

We all sit down and start having breakfast over light conversation.

"So Lubanzi," Yaya says, shifting her attention and conversation to Banzi. Here we go.

"Mm," Banzi hums in response as he chews.

"What do you do for a living?"

"Ayanda!" I exclaim.

"It's fine lwam," Banzi says, placing his hand on my arm.

"I'm a mechanic," Banzi answers her after swallowing his food.

"A mechanic, huh?" she asks, turning her head to look at me. I can already tell that she has a lot to say about his profession but will only tell me about it when it's just us two.

"Yes," Banzi says confidently, putting my mind slightly at ease. One of things I like about Banzi is that he's authentic. He doesn't try to be someone he is not and he's also not ashamed of who he is.

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