Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I'm currently in bed, cuddling with a slightly snoring Linam whose pouty lips and plump cheeks are tempting me to either squeeze or kiss. The sound of the birds chirping outside tells me that it's already morning. I have no idea where Banzi is but since Lina is still here, I can assume that he is somewhere around the house. The pressure that's pressing my bloody urges me to go to the loo. Knowing that my body is still sore from yesterday's events, I slowly and carefully turn my body and drag it upward, using my hands for stability. The tightness of the muscles in my legs, well in my entire body, has me grunting while huffing and puffing as I struggle to swing them over them over the edge. Last night I was a bit upset with Banzi for all he did to me but now I can't even put him to blame. I wanted this, him and the stiffness is these are the results of that. I huff. With all my might, I scoot my body slowly towards the edge of the bed until both legs are dangling over it and smile victoriously at the success of my efforts. Just then, the door opens and a half naked Banzi walks in holding a tray filled with food. Yum, breakfast and no, I'm not referring to what's on the plate only... If you catch my drift. "I hope I'm the reason behind that smile," he says, walking towards the bed with a smile on his face. I grin and look at him with lust-filled eyes. He catches me ogling over his half-naked self. I know I've said it before but allow me to say it once more. This man is a walking temptation. A sin to humankind. The only piece of cloth that's covering his body are his briefs that hug his body so snugly, leaving nothing to the imagination. My eyes automatically flow to the delicious meat that hangs between his thighs. He catches me ogling him and chuckles while placing the tray on my bedside table. "Mnt'omhle," he greets in a whisper while planting a wet kiss on my lips. (Beautiful person) He tries to remove his lips from mine, but I grab his neck and keep him in place. His lips stretch into a smile against mine and I can't help but smile too in return. I gently trap his lip in between my teeth and run my tongue along the part I bite. A sexy low groan tumbles from his throat. He returns the favour and bites my lip too which has me slightly parting my lips. "Mm," I moan as I feel his own hand grab my neck. If there's one thing I've come to accept and acknowledge over the past twenty four hours is that I love to be choked. Yeah, choke me. "Ba-Banzi," I whisper like the horny slut that I am. Yeah, I know, shoot me. His hand that's on my throat tightens gently around my neck and yet again, I moan. "Baby," he says in his groggy morning voice pulling me out of my daze. I groan disgruntled when I feel his lips withdraw from mine. I swear I could latch on those lips all day. I stare into his beautiful orbs and blink lazily.

"Good morning," I greet, my eyes shying away from him as my cheeks flush crimson. He smiles.

"Morning baby. I made you breakfast," he says, turning his head to the tray on the bedside table.

"Thank you, baby," I thankfully say, palming his cheek while simultaneously caressing his cheek with my thumb.

"I should go freshen up," I say to him, attempting to get up from the bed.

"We'll go after," he says, picking up the tray before taking a seat beside me on top of the bed. I simply nod and watch him place the tray on top of his thighs.

"Is that for us?" I ask, eying the large-size portion of food on the plate. He nods.

"And you're going to feed me," he says looking at me squared in the eyes though there's a smirk on his face.

"You didn't put any cutlery here, did you?" I ask him, peeping on both sides on the tray, trying to locate the cutlery and as I suspected, there's none. I look at him and he has this silly boyish grin on his face.

"I guess this is another one of those 'I must feed you with my hands' situation?" I ask, corking my brow at him. He nods, still grinning sheepishly at me. He's prepared an English breakfast for us paired with some diced fruit on the side. Like the last time we did this, everything is sensual and intimate. Every now and then, he will either suck my fingers when I'm feeding him, or he will steal a piece of whatever I'm eating straight from my lips. Everything with this man feels right... Like I belong with him, but it scares me, no lies. Such things only happen in movies or in fictional books where a man meets a woman and they hit it off immediately.

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