Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I jerk my eyes open, and I'm welcomed by darkness. Jesus, where am I? Oh, I'm in my bedroom. Shit. I must have passed out. After taking a shower, I decided to take a few minutes to gather my thoughts while lying on top of my bed. The plan was to centre my chakras and when I've calmed down, I would go through the rest of my hygiene routine and get dressed but I must have slipped into a deep slumber. I sweep my eyes across the room and notice that my curtains aren't closed and it's dark outside. I wonder what the time is. I remember that I didn't bring my phone with me when I came to take a shower because the intention was to take a shower and join Lubanzi. Oh, my God, Lubanzi. I'm mortified. I can't believe I left the poor guy alone. He must have already left too seeing how dark it is. I groan groggily as I lift my body from my sleeping position. Wait, I'm covered with a fleece. My fleece. How did it -. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. Please don't let this be true. I thrash my fists on the bed and groan in frustration. How could I be so stupid. Now a man whom I don't know from a bar of soap has seen me naked, butterball naked. Fuck! No use crying of spilt milk now. What's done is done though I hate myself for leaving myself exposed like that when I have a stranger in my house. Listen to me say 'have'. He must have left already considering how late it is. I'm sure he must be thinking that I was luring him by sleeping naked. I wouldn't mind seeing him naked. Don't look at me like that; it's the truth. I'm sure beneath those awful looking greasy coveralls, lies a sexy melanin God that's just... Okay let me stop myself before I get carried away. Anyway, the bottom line is, that man entered my room and saw me naked and as much as I'd like to be mad at him for his trespassing, I can't ignore the possibility of him coming into my room in search of me since I disappeared. And covering me up is just a bonus to how cute he is. Yes, I'm confused on which emotion I should focus on, but whatever. I will say this though, I'm never leaving a stranger in my house to go take a shower, ever again. I mean he could have raped me. We all know how the other gender is. All they do is take, and with no remorse or Conscience of the impact of their actions. Anyway, let me get out of this bed; I'm famished. I toss the fleece aside and extend my arm to switch on my bedside lamp when my eyes land on a plate that's covered with a cloche. My heart swells. This explains why he came into my room. This man. He's going to be a problem. I lift the couche up to see what he prepared, and my mouth salivates at the sight of the Florentine spaghetti bake. Now look, I'm not a fan of spaghetti but this, this looks amazing. I jump out of bed and quickly wrap my gown around my body, grab the plate and make my way to the kitchen to warm my food. No need for shoes; I'll come back to bed.

A figure sleeping on my couch startles me and causes me to drop my plate on the floor.

"Aah," I scream, my limbs too frozen to make a run for it.

"What? What? What?" A disoriented frantic-looking Lubanzi asks, jumping off the couch.

"LUBANZI?" I ask, breathing heavily while clutching my chest.

"Thando?" his sonorous voice vibrates through the room. My nipples harden. Thixo!

"W-what are you -"

"Are you okay? Why're you screaming?" He asks, bouncing his eyes all over my body.

"Why am I... I thought you left," I say while trying to steady my breathing.

"Left? Why?" I look at him stupefied. What does he mean 'why'?

"I couldn't leave usalele. Who was going to lock the door?" (While you were still asleep)

Why did I think he was going to say -

"I also wanted to see you, to make sure that you're okay before I leave," he adds on. My heart swells.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to," I lie. I'm happy he's still here.

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