Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Banzi catches me in his arms just as I'm about to hit the floor and hold me tight against his chest. "Are you okay?" he asks through his laboured breathing. I nod and lay my head against his chest, which just like my body, is dripping with sweat. We stand like that for a few minutes before I feel his member pulsate against my abdomen once again.

"Banzi, no. I'm still tired," I complain as I try to free myself from his arms.

"I won't be long sthandwa sam, I promise," he says seductively against my ear. (My love)

"Ha.a," I decline while shaking my head 'no'. (No)

"Ndiyakucela thando lwam," he says in a desperate, lust-filled voice that has my clit pulsating. (Please)

His one hand slowly makes its way in between my thighs and heads straight for my mound.

"Banzi," I breathily exhale, throwing my head back as he slips two fingers through my slit.

"Uthini sthandwa sam?" his voice booms, vibrating through his chest. (What do you say)

Unable to respond, I resort to offering him a hum and a moan. He continues to strum my clit like he's playing a piano. I feel like yodelling at the top of my lungs.

"Let's take this to the bedroom," he says, slipping his fingers out of my nectar.

"Banzi." I cry, looking up at his smiling face.

Instead of responding to my cry or plea, he drops his head towards mine and captures my lips into his. The kiss is slow and full of emotion. I feel his hands slip beneath the hem of my top and leave me gasping at the sudden contact. He undresses me, breaking the kiss for a brief moment. I am still floating in delirium when he unexpectedly hoists me up. I yelp and instantaneously wrap my legs around his waist. The feeling of his warm skin against mine is truly exhilarating. I have fantasised about this moment for so long, but nothing comes close to this moment right here. He starts walking in a direction I can't pinpoint. I peep my one eye open to see where he's taking us. He's walking toward the bedroom.

"Banzi umntana," I say while trying to wiggle myself from him. (The baby)

"Siya e-spare bedroom," he says, shutting me up by driving his tongue further into my mouth.

I cling tighter to Banzi as I feel the cold air brushing against my body, though the warmth that's radiating from Banzi's body is enough to keep me warm. He continues to walk with my clinging on his body until we reach the spare bedroom. As to how he could find this room and not trip and fall while holding me is beyond me. Maybe the idea of having me again must have given him peripheral vision, otherwise how would you explain this?

He gently lowers my body on the bed, him laying on top of me without breaking the kiss. I don't think I'll ever get tired of kissing him. I feel the tip of his member against my haven and moan at the sensation it has me feeling. He, without penetrating, winds his waits in a manner that has his rod slipping in between my slippery folds.

"Banzi," I moan, opening my legs wider for him, hoping it can just 'slip in'.

"Mm," he hums against my lips.

"Please," I beg. Yes, I'm begging as though I wasn't the one who said no just a few minutes ago.

Leave me alone. Right on cue he sinks his member inside me and stills.

"Baby, torho." (Please) I sound like a broken record. Yho, I respect umdavazo, vah? (Sex)

"Do you want me to move?" I nod.

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