Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

"Banzi, let me go," I whisper-yell, trying to get away from him. As to why he's still balls deep inside of me, I also don't know. "I'll be quick, baby," he tries to persuade but I'm not having it. If my ears aren't deceiving me, I'm sure I just heard Nzolo's voice just now. As to what he's doing here today when he's only supposed to arrive tomorrow is also another question I have no answer to. "Banzi, you need to let go of me," I say, now wiggling myself from his hold. He groans. Me wiggling myself is my attempt at freeing myself from him not to arouse him, or myself for that matter. "I'll be quick baby, I promise. Just a few strokes and I'll be done," he says, winding his waist. The way it feels good, I'm almost tempted to allow him to ravish me but knowing how he never sticks to what he's saying, I slip out of him and gather my gown from the floor. He cusses beneath his breath. I'm sure he thought he was succeeding with persuading me. Oh well, tough luck. I'm not about to have sex with my brother just outside the door. Not only would that be disrespectful and mortifying but it would also be uncomfortable as hell for me. I doubt I'd even enjoy it. "Kodwa lwam, this is not fair," Banzi mumbles, picking up his towel from the floor. (But) I giggle softly as he continues to spew more complaints beneath his breath. Banzi is a sex addict, no way. He's behaving like he hasn't had any in forever whereas he was literally turning me inside out just a few hours ago. "I'll make it up to you baby, but right now we have a situation in our hands. Nzolo is at the door." His eyes bulge out of their sockets at the mention of my brother. "Your brother is here?" He whispers leaning over to me. He looks so comical right now. I know it's not fear that he's portraying, he just has the utmost respect for him and wouldn't want to be found with his pants, well towel down by his girlfriend's brother in her house nogal. "That's what I've been trying to tell you," I say while tightening the belt of my gown. Only now does he get the difficulty of the situation we're in. Without uttering another word, he rushes out of the kitchen and scurries to the bedroom I guess to get dressed. I scan my eyes across the kitchen for any obscure laying items before I allow Nzolo in but I don't spot any, so I walk to the door to let them in. I stand by the door for a few seconds trying to gather my thoughts. Did I muddle up the days? Why's he here so soon? What am I even going to say about Lina and Banzi being here? I know my brother; he can smell a lie a mile away and it's not like I'm good with lying anyway in spite of my profession. Damnit. I take a deep breath and open the door.

"Bhuti," I say with a broad smile on my face but get surprised when I see Gugu beside him.

"Skwi?" It's more of an exclamation than it is a question.

"Skwi," my sister-in-love squeals excitedly, already throwing her arms around me, completely forgetting about her husband beside her. Typical Gugu.

"Skwi, how are you?" I ask, tightening my arms around her.

"I'm good skwi, how are you?" she asks in an insinuating tone while wiggling her brows at me.

Oh, God did she hear something?

"Are you going to let us in?" Nzolo asks from behind us in a bored and annoyed tone.

I forgot that he doesn't have a single ounce of patience in him. Men.

"Don't me a mood killer, baby," his wife says, hooking her arm on mine, dragging me inside the house.

"What took you so long? Kunini sinqonqoza," he exaggerates. (We've been knocking) I internally roll my eyes.

"I didn't hear you, sorry bhuti," I lie. (Brother)

"Really?" Gugu whispers in my ear, corking her brow.

Oh gosh, she must have heard us, well me or maybe she knows that something's up.

"Where's my nephew?" I ask when I don't spot him around, trying to divert the conversation.

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