Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

I stare blankly at everyone in the room as I absorb what they've just shared. Who would kidnap an elderly woman who has nothing to offer? It's not like she's a millionaire or anything like that.

"You said you think she's been kidnapped?" I enquire from Ludwe. He nods.

"Yes, because we only found her belongings in the bin; not your fathers."

"So, where is he then? Have you located him and asked him about her whereabouts?"

"We haven't located him because he's also missing."

"This doesn't make sense to me. Who would kidnap them... In Joburg nogal? They don't know anyone here," I say to myself as I try to make sense of the situation.

"That's what we're also trying to find out. We're checking their accounts for any transactions but there's been no activity on both their accounts since yesterday."

"So, in essence we not only have any leads, we also don't know why they were abducted," I say, searching all their eyes.

"What if we're all looking at this the wrong way?"

"I don't understand, what other angle could there be but that they have been kidnaped?"

"What if the kidnapping has been staged?" Ludwe says, tapping his knee with his index finger.

"Staged? By whom? I told you that these people don't know anyone from this side unless."

"It doesn't have to be an enemy or somebody they know... What if it's -"

"uTata," Nzolo says as though getting a lightbulb moment.

"I know he's a lot of things, but I wouldn't give him this much credit. What would he even gain from doing such? He is married to her after all."

"Maybe not him directly but what if he's working with the other wife," Nzolo says in clarity.

"Wait, does this woman know of her? My you-know?" Now this I hadn't thought of.

"We don't know but it's a possibility. I mean they have been sharing a husband for ten years, so she must have figured it out by now."

"Or maybe not. Your father is a conniving man, so it's possible that he's been lying all this time," Aunt Nozi says.

Facts. If he was able to hide his second family from us, who says he isn't doing the same on the other side?

"He could have lied and said he's a businessman who travels for work," Ludwe mocks.

I scoff loudly, rolling my eyes to the back of my head. Him? A businessman? Oh, please.

"I'm not interested in his shenanigans; all I want to know now is what's the plan?"

"The plan is for us to try and locate where they are. I've already asked Manando and Sthera to do some digging, hopefully they'll have something for us in the next couple of hours," Banzi says.

"Aren't those your employees? What do they know about tracking down missing people?" I ask.

"I did say I served with them, baby and tracking is kind of their expertise," Banzi says.

"Wow," I whisper in disbelief and somewhat amazement.

There's so much about his military life that I have no knowledge of.

"So, for now we just have to wait until they come back to us," he says, looking at everyone in the room.

Everyone bops their heads in agreement and acknowledgement to what he's just said.

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