Chapter 7: Mesmerized

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Clint's POV

To say I didn't want to strangle Rebecca because she held us back would be a lie. To say that I was more angry that she was right would be a massive understatement. To watch the person that I swore to protect and never allow this to happen to again while standing on the sidelines watching you fight made me feel more helpless and weak than any other mission I've been on. Even Nat seemed to know that you had to be the one to end this. The heartbroken, helpless look she cast at me and Bucky bore the weight of what we were all feeling. Bruce left mid-fight, knowing you would soon be requiring his assistance.

A punch to the eye, ribs, abdomen- God, I just want to kill him. He is willing to kill you before he leaves without you. I see a brief glimmer of hope as you grab the towel but then you are flung onto your back. "Get up, Y/N!" I scream, my own heart pounding in my ears, tears streaming down my cheeks.

The moment you are atop his shoulders, I follow your eyes and see exactly what you plan to do- please! Please, pull this off! When you loosen the drapes, I know- I, at least- was hoping he was dead. That mixed with the joy and admiration that you had done it! You had ended your own, personal hell in which you had been trapped for so long.

I knew watching you stand over him, triumphantly as we all swarmed you, that your strength would not hold much longer. Sure enough, the instant I reached you, your legs gave way and I quickly scooped you up in my arms.

I quickly carry you to the med bay, cradling you safely in my arms as I feather kisses on your forehead and cheeks. I lay you down on the long bed Bruce has prepared and step back, giving him room to work. Your eye, your beautiful face, and your abdomen have already started to darken with bruises. What if I went up there and finished him? NO! I shove the thought from my mind. You did this. You deserve to watch his life fall apart just as he has ripped yours apart.

I stand watching over you mesmerized before leaving one final kiss on your forehead. I walk back upstairs to personally see John Walker's ass kicked out of the compound. I hear that pompous bastard before I round the corner to the conference room.

"If you think I will ever give up this shield, you're all out of your damn minds!" He spits at Tony. I look over to see Rebecca fuming, having purposely placed herself between John and Bucky who would like nothing more than to snap John like a twig.

Tony smirks, "You know Jack, I thought you may say that. Interesting about our little home here-" he gestures around him. "Did you know that EVERYTHING in the common areas is recorded?" Tony grabs the remote and flips on the TV that reveals John taunting you in the training room, cornering you in the living room, and the fight that just happened. What seals his fate and makes the color drain from his face is when Tony unmutes the TV and we hear every vile word he said and admitted to. When you ask him to stop his attack on your body during the fight only for him to continue makes all of us cringe but anger flares inside of John.

"What do you want?" John asks, defeated.

"Honestly?" Tony asks, his face growing redder as the footage loops. "Your head on a silver platter for everything you've put our girl through but I'll settle for you- humiliated and behind bars."

"That'll never happen," John smirks. "You forget- you and your sad excuse for heroes- I know some pretty important people."

"Oh no, Jasmine, I didn't forget which is why, instead of giving this to the court as evidence and it being conveniently lost, I emailed it to the local news outlets just after the "little sparring match ended." Tony smiles smugly. "Now," he steps toward John, his face now deadly serious, "Get the fuck out of my compound."


I slowly blink my eyes trying to focus them. I carefully attempt to sit up to see Bruce sitting beside me. He perks up immediately when he notices me and assists me in getting into a sitting position. "Oh thank God," he smiles.

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