Chapter 21: The Muffin Man

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Clint's POV

The next several weeks prove to be the most challenging that I have ever encountered, yes- including John Walker. You and Rebecca, being pregnant at the same time, were a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention, we were closing in on the wedding. You were insistent that you wanted to be married before the baby arrived. The day we are due to find out what the tiny Avengers were, I wake up to you with your head in the toilet. Morning sickness hit you much later than we were expecting. And since it began, you have not been able to stop vomiting.

I walk in and pull your hair back over your shoulder and away from your face. You let out a soft chuckle, "Well this is one way to make sure I fit into my dress."

I smile and secure your hair with a ponytail holder before preparing your toothbrush. Once you have gathered yourself off the floor, you walk to me and accept it with an exhausted smile.

We both get ready before taking the elevator down to the medbay where Bruce is waiting for us. We pass Rebecca and Bucky as they leave. We had all decided that we would tell each other the genders once we had both found out.

"Y/N!" Rebecca bounds toward you, excitedly. "We're having a..."

"Rebecca!" Bucky barks, chasing her before covering her mouth, "Shut up! They haven't found out yet." She must have licked his hand because he immediately yanks it away in disgust, "Ughh! You're disgusting!"

We laugh as you take her hand exhaustedly, "We'll meet you in your room after we find out."

She offers you a frown, "Still sick?"

You nod before letting her go. We step inside as Bruce preps the ultrasound machine. You take your place on the table, baring your belly. "Any idea why I'm still so sick?" You ask, "This should have passed by now, right?"

Bruce smiles, comforting you, "Not sure, but we'll find out." He searches for the baby with the wand, "Don't you wor..." He stops mid-sentence.

"What?" My voice is filled with concern.

"Bruce?" You ask, fear starting to coil in your throat.

"I uh... I think I've found the issue..." He looks back at us, his eyes wide.

"OK... WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHARE WITH THE CLASS?" You are almost yelling as you grow impatient.

"Looks like the two of you will be welcoming more than just one baby Barton," he shakes his head.

"What the FUCK do you mean?" Your hands are reaching for his throat.

"Hey!" He swats your hands away, "I didn't do this to you!"

"You're right!" You turn, looking at me, snapping me out of my shocked state. "Clint fucking Barton!!!!!! You don't think you have enough kids??"

"Look muffin, I know you're in shock, but now you're just being mean," I state simply.

"Ok, you two..." Bruce interrupts, "Do we still want to know the sex?"

"Sex? No, thank you! That's what got us into this," you shake your head, still in shock as Bruce and I laugh.

"I'll take that as a yes," he moves the wand. "Looks like Baby Barton A is a... girl."

"God, help us," I laugh, watching the screen as happy tears swell in my eyes.

"Baby Barton B is a... boy! Congrats you guys! Looks like one of each!" Bruce smiles at you.

You look over at me, blinking away tears, "Clint, we're having a baby!"

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