Chapter 19: Healing

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Clint's POV

When I wake up with you, not beside me, I'm sure you've made a cup of coffee and are curled up on the porch swing. I pull on my shirt before quietly slipping downstairs. I am about to step out onto the patio when I hear your voice through the screen. I pause momentarily hearing you admit what happened to you during the blip. I stand dumbfounded before realizing you are talking to Cooper. Damn, you sure know how to give a compelling speech.

I step back, not wanting to intrude before turning to start breakfast. You come in after a few moments and wrap your arms around me from behind, resting your chin on the back of my shoulder.

"Good morning, Muffin," I grin, resting my hand on yours while I stir the eggs.

"Good morning, Mr. Barton," you smile and place a gentle kiss between my shoulder blades.

You start the muffins and pour glasses of orange juice before the aroma awakens Lila. I hear the familiar pounding of her feet on the stairs. Her bright eyes peek around the corner before she turns and calls up the stairs, "Nate! Aunt Nat! Wake up! Dad's making breakfast!!!" She bounds down and wraps me in a hug letting me place a kiss on her head.

Within just a few minutes, Nate comes trudging down the stairs in a zombie-like state. "Coffee," he groans.

You laugh and pour him a cup, "Like father- like son."

Nat joins us a little later as we are setting the table. I watch you head out the door while we are all taking our seats.

"You coming, Coop?" Judging from the screech of the swing, he must've agreed. I feel a twinge of jealousy at your already calm relationship with Cooper. He walks in and places a hand on your shoulder before taking his seat quietly.

Everyone remains quiet for a few minutes, seemingly holding their breaths.

"Ok," you take a breath, "We're going to go ahead and address the elephant in the room because none of us want to spend the next few weeks with all of this tension." You take my hand and look between Cooper, Nate, and Lila, "Cooper understands that you guys want a relationship with your dad. It's going to take some time before he gets to that point." You look at me, "And no one is going to push him or force him." Your gaze turns to Cooper, "And we are all going to respect each other from now on. If anyone needs to talk, we do it in private unless it's something that pertains to the whole family. Agreed?"

"Agreed," Lila and Nate shout readily.

"Agreed," Cooper and I grumble in unison like scolded children, causing everyone at the table to grin.

At that moment, it is like a refreshing breeze blows through the house and everyone takes the breath it feels has been held since our arrival.

Toward the end of breakfast, Nat looks at Lila, "Better tell him, kiddo."

Lila smiles at me nervously, "Dad? I uhhh... I invited Mom and Rick to dinner tonight. They're really excited to see you and meet Y/N."


"That's great!" I grin, excited. Clint has never spoken bad of Laura and since we are engaged with the kids all reconciling, we will be meeting sooner or later. I'd much rather go ahead and get it out of the way and everyone be on good terms. Maybe she can help Cooper as well.

"Alright," Clint shrugs, squeezing my hand before smiling over at me.

The rest of the day, Nate and Clint spend in the barn or the field tinkering with Nate's new inventions. Cooper tends to the animals while Nat, Lila, and I play around with new recipes. I think Lila could definitely be a baker. She's got the gene for it. We spend the day laughing and carrying on before starting dinner. Lila wants to make a huge dinner for everyone's first time together. While she and Nat start on the actual food, she asked me to start on a cake. I, of course, oblige.

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