Chapter 9: Provoked

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Clint's POV

I attempt to fight the panic rising in my throat as I continually scan the courtroom for you. People are flowing in for, what is to be, the trial of the year. Where the hell are you, Y/N? I look at Tony who shrugs. Bruce's eyes are wide, scanning as well. When you finally walk into the courtroom 10 minutes later, you are flustered. You make a beeline for me and straight into my arm.

I kiss your head, whispering, "You alright?"

You nod, "I'll tell you later." I plaster a fake smile before releasing you to Tony.

"Y/N, this is Matt Murdock." Tony introduces you as you shake his hand, "What he lacks in sight, he more than makes up for in his courtroom presence."

You slap his chest and scold him, "Tony!"

"No no, Miss Y/L/N, I'm used to Tony being childish." He leans over and whispers, "For what it's worth- I'm sorry you're having to go through this."

You smile gracefully and squeeze his hand, "Thank you for everything, Mr. Murdock."

Matt grabs his chest, "UGH! So polite, but please- Matt is just fine. My friends call me Matt."

"Of course," you smile before taking your seat in front of us. I watch as your posture looks like you are holding your breath. Where the hell did you go?

John is escorted into the courtroom looking more disheveled than I've ever seen. He scans the courtroom and his eyes land on you, smiling. You quickly divert your eyes to your shoes. The judge enters immediately behind him. We all stand and then are seated.

"John Walker," The judge addresses him, "I must ask how you plead to see if we must sit through a lengthy trial."

John looks over at you and smiles- your whole body tensing, "Not guilty, Your Honor."

Your jaw clenches so tight, I'm worried your teeth may crack.

The judge nods before addressing Matt for his opening statements. He steps from behind the table and approaches the jury's box. He navigates the courtroom with ease even without his cane to guide him. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, these next few- no doubt- grueling days will reveal that John Walker is a dangerous individual. The very person he should have protected over any other will testify to the abuse that she endured at the hands of the man the government dubbed our new Captain America. The defense would have him reinstated as such and released back into society. Let us examine every piece of evidence to determine whether or not Mr. Walker should have such a luxury."

John's attorney steps forward, "Strong words from Mr. Murdock. I will do everything within my power to prove, not only does my client deserve to be reinstated as Captain America, but also that he receive a formal and public apology from Miss Y/F/N Y/L/N and the Avengers for the unjust and slanderous accusations they have brought against Mr. Walker."

If eye rolls were audible, yours would have shattered the windows.


Rebecca is the first person called to the stand. She takes her oath and Matt begins the questioning, "How long have you known Miss Y/F/N Y/L/N?"

"About 5 years."

"You guys are friends?"


"And you knew Miss Y/L/N during her relationship with the defendant?" I can tell Rebecca must stop herself from giving a smart-ass answer, "Yes."

"And on how many occasions did Miss Y/L/N come in with marks on her persons that you believe came from the defendant?"

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