Chapter 12: Little Warrior

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Clint's POV

No one was ready for this vacation to end. I found you on our little patio with your knees drawn up to your chest overlooking the water with the sunrise. A light wind whipped your blonde wavy hair around your face. I smile as I take a seat next to you. No words are needed, so I simply slip my arm around you before you let your head fall onto my shoulder.

We sit like this until the sun is almost completely in the sky. A soft rap on our door breaks us from a tranquil relaxation. Soon Bruce joins us outside. He, too, quietly takes a seat after placing a gentle kiss on your forehead and bumping my knuckles with his. Tony and Nat are next, followed by Rebecca and Bucky. We all sit quietly, enjoying the company of our small family all gathered together.

"Well," Tony sighs, frowning after almost half an hour, "We had better get going. The real world awaits."

"Do we have to?" You smile over at him.

"Unfortunately, little warrior," he bends and kisses your temple before leaving to get packed up.

Everyone else soon follows suit, leaving you and me to get our things packed. You make quick work of it before I allow my love to overtake me and I toss you on the bed.

"Mr. Barton, everyone will be waiting for us," you giggle.

"Let them wait," I whisper, placing soft kisses on your face before trailing down your body.

We soon join everyone on the Quinjet and thankfully no one mentions our tardiness. Although, I have my suspicions that Rebecca says something to you that gets her playfully popped. We settle in for the long ride home with Nat and Bruce behind the controls. The flight home is far more relaxed with everyone talking and laughing after such a tranquil break. My hands never leave your body and you seem to be fine with that.

I can't help but reflect on our first meeting as we fly you home to a surprise you are not expecting. That first day in your bakery, I swore you were an angel. You were so focused on the task at hand yet so attentive to the needs of your customers. You were polite and a love for your craft radiated off of you. Then, in bounded your wild-eyed sidekick. I could tell the two of you were a fierce team. I remember the day you began to change. Your movements slowed, second-guessing yourself. You were uneasy and worried.

I can feel my grip around you tightening protectively as I reflect, "Penny for your thoughts, love?" Your soft whisper breaks the overwhelming anger I feel building in my chest.

"No," I smile down at you, "Just thinking of the day we met."

A laugh erupts from your core, "You were a gremlin that got fed after midnight."

"Hey!" I retort, smiling.

"Oh, you so were!" Rebecca chimes in before mimicking you as an old miser, "Mornings- Bah Humbug. Give me coffee, blugh."

We all laugh before I rest my head back against the jet and smile. I can't wait to see what this new crazy life is going to be like with Scrooge and Marley now living under the same roof.


When we land back at the compound, it is dark and we are all exhausted from the flight. Tony loads us all up and we drive to a nearby restaurant for a quick dinner. It's fun but all of us are just ready to be home and in bed.

He insists on one final stop before we make our way back to the compound. We grumble but oblige as he dances like a giddy schoolboy that has had too much sugar. Clint wears a small smirk after I agree to the stop. Rebecca is complaining about wanting to sleep in her new room although no one is moving anywhere tonight.

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