Prologue: The Crash

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The past

Charlotte was sitting at the back seats of the car laughing hysterically at the joke that her dad had made. She giggled and smiled. Both her father and mother were beyond proud and happy for having such a wonderful daughter.

Charlotte was a unique blend of her parents. Her raven-black hair and sea green eyes were reminiscent of her father, while her habits and personality mirrored her mother. She carried the burden of ADHD and dyslexia, traits she inherited from her parents.

Amid the laughter , a sudden, scream pierced the air. It was a scream that would forever change Charlotte's life. Panic and confusion ensued as her family's car was violently struck by a truck that had run a red light at an intersection. The truck driver, with a cruel smirk on his face, had set in motion a chain of events that would change Charlotte's world forever.

In the chaos of the collision, Charlotte felt a sense of weightlessness. The world around her blurred, and she found herself thinking the most terrifying question: was she dead? Her mind raced with fear.

She turned her gaze to her parents, who moments ago had been the source of her happiness. Her father was desperately calling her name, his arm wasbleeding from a deep, bloody gash, fromthe impact of the collision. He seemed to fight to stay conscious.

But when Charlotte looked towards her mother, her heart sank. Her mother's head was a horrible sight, blood pouring from a large cut . The sight was overwhelming, and Charlotte felt herself growing dizzy from the horror of it all. The world seemed to spin, the edges of her vision darkening.

And then her world turned black.

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