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seungmin pov

he call someone .

' Hello , boss ? ' hana aka his assi stant answered.

' find out who was trying to kill me last night and lock that person in our basement . '

' alright boss '

' oh and one more thing '

' what is it ? '

' ask Felix to search about someone's identity named Na seolhyun. '

' okay boss '

then , he ended the call and look outside .

' how dare you to kill me ,' he form his hand into a fist .


seolhyun pov

she was peacefully studying for her upcoming test . Suddenly , she heard someone broke the vase downstairs. She was about to take a look , that's when someone knock the window . she turn around and saw him , the guy that she wished she didn't meet him again, seungmin . He knocked the window again . she immediately open it .

' Yah , how did you know my house and - '

' we don't have much time , follow me .'

' andd why should I ? '



she gulped once she heard someone is searching for her . ' you're in danger. Come follow me , quick ! ' he yell whispered . Without thinking twice, she just follow him.

Seungmin said at his in ear monitor .

' back up me quick '

'okay' Hana said .

' here wear this helmet . ' he said as he give it to her. she just wear it  .

' where did we going actually ?' she asked confuse as she saw him on his motorbike , ready to left.

' ride or I left you . ' he ignore her question.

' fine . ' she said as she join him . Once she sit , she don't know where to hold , so she just left him a gap a little . Suddenly , he quickened the speed, made her automatically wrap her arm at his waist . She just noticed there's a black van following them . She was about to take a glance , that's when she heard a shot .

' YAH THEY'RE GOING TO KILL US !' she yelled. Then , there's another two motorbike join them . She saw a girl is one of the rider and the other one seems like a guy. That girl shoot the van which is behind them . While the other one , giving a sign to Seungmin . He nodded and drift away. She tighten her grip , scared that she will fall .


They arrived at unfamiliar place . He get off from his bike . ' let's go ' he said.

' where were we ? yah are you not gonna explain anything to me ? I-im confuse right now .. what happened actually ? ' she look at him , waiting for his answer . ' just follow me or not I left you here . '

Again he ignore her question , she rolled her eyes and following him .

She looked around the place . 

wow , the place it look amazing . 

Everywhere look fancy to her , the decorations of the mansion looks pretty .

' Mr. Kim what can I help you ? ' an old woman ask him. ' bring this girl to her room and show her new clothes at . I had a work to do . ' Seungmin said and then left her alone. ' miss this way ' the maid said to her . ' huh ? where's Seungmin ? ' she ask the maid. ' Mr. Kim has a work to do , follow me ma'am ' she just nodded and follow her .


seungmin pov

Once he arrived at their hidden place , the two motorbikes earlier park beside him . They stopped the engine and get off from their motorbike . Hana take off the helmet that she wear . 

' yah , you okay ?' the guy named chan asked her .

' what happened ? ' seungmin asked them . ' a single shot hit her right arm . ' chan said .

' yes I'm okay , just a little pain . '

' Hana go treat your wound and joined our meeting after that . '

She just nodded and left the scenes.

3rd person pov

someone knock the door . ' come in ' a guy said while admire the scenery in front of him . ' boss , I'm sorry but skz gang already get her . We can't reach them . ' that guy , John said in shaky tone . ' they what ? !' He turned to faced his man. ' t-that girl with them . ' That guy kick John . ' you guys are weak . How can you didn't notice them at the first place ? '

John bowed repeatly . ' we're sorry boss . Please don't kill me . I promise I do my w-work properly . ' That guy kneeling in front of him . He point the gun , under John's chin .

' look at me . ' That guy said . John hesitantly look at that guy's eyes .

' you wanna alive right ? ' he nodded slowly. That guy stand up and left John .' okay I'll give you last chance if you don't get what I want . I'll kill you with my own gun . '

Once that guy said that , John stand up and bow repeatly . ' thank you boss and I promise I'll do it properly ' ' now left before I change my mind ' he said , as he light up his cigarette .

' alright .' then John left . That guy look at the picture that he keep in the drawer . It's a picture where seol and him at amusement park , hugging .

' Kim Seungmin. How dare he ruined my planned . '

He formed his hand into a fist .

'I'll kill you for disturbing my way to get her .'

a/n: hi , readers! I just wanna say that if youre confusing with POV just tell me I'll try to change to a better one. That's all I can say hehe. <3

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