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hana pov 

' hana ? its getting late now . we need to go to our base . ' chan ask.

' is it only both of us here ? '

' nope theres hyunjin too. '

' oh okay. '

after chan lock the last exit door , he turn to hana and hyunjin. ' im going . see ya . '

hana hummed in response . Then , she walked towards her bike . She search for her key . Sadly , it was nowhere to be seen . She cursed under her breath . Just remember she left in her drawer. There's no turning back cause chan already left. She didnt want to disturb him riding .

She sigh and open her phone , wanted to dial han to pick up . Unluckily , her phone died .

' great , now what can i do now ? '

' whats wrong ? '

A sudden voice asked her from the back. She flinch a little and look at the person . Its hyunjin . 

 ' nothing . '

' i know there's something wrong here. Maybe I can help you ? '

' lo- '

His phone ringing, disturbing her words.

' wait . ' 

' hello ? '

' hyunjin is hana with you ? Cause I cant contact her . Her phone seems dead . ' han ask on the other line .

' yea . She's with me . How do you know ? '

' ahh , it just only you both didnt arrive yet .Chan hyung said maybe hana with you. Urm , can I talk to her for a sec ? '

' sure '

Hyunjin lent his phone at hana . She look at it and then she turn her gaze at him . ' its han . He wanted to talk to you . '

She just take it and walk away, answer the call .

' hello ? '

' hana are you okay ? Cause its not you who arrive late . '

' yeah , im fine . Its just i had a little problem here . '

' what is it ? '

' i accidentally left my bike's key in the drawer . Chan already locked the door so yeah i dont know . '

' you could have go with hyunjin . '

' WHAT ?! I cant . You know what happened between me and him back then ? I just cant .. '

' hana yaa . Listen what past is past okay ? I'll talk to you later about this but now just get your ass here with him . You dont want to get scold dont you ?!'

' yea yea whatever . '  

With that , she pressed the red button . The lockscreen was shown on his phone. He still use her picture as his lockscreen. A sudden sharp pain hit her heart. Her hands started to tremble , remembering all those sweet and sour memories that she shared with him.

' are you done ? '

' yea. Lets go . Were getting late . '

' huh ? okay '


3rd person pov

The door open revealing hana and hyunjin . As they entered , they bow.

' we're sorry we were late . '

Seungmin just nodded and give a sign to continue .

' so i assume that the CEO of SSM company will doing corruption with the sec biggest company which is WW company to made our company going downhill. ' said felix.

' those rats . So , whats the plan ? Any idea ? ' seungmin ask everyone in the room . Everyone remain silent cause this case quite tricky and put a lot of high risk .

' i had one . '

An unfamiliar voice interrupting the meeting . Everyone turn to that person with eyes widening , shook that an unknown people just enter the meeting without someone's permission. Hana ask seungmin in whisper .

' since when she's here ? Boss ? '

' let her for a while. '

' what? seun- i mean boss - '

' whats your idea then ? '

Seol slightly smirk at hana and tell her plan .

Everyone seems agreed to her plan while hana clench her fist , kinda annoyed.

' why everyone just stick up with a stranger ? Ugh ' 


' yah seung ' hana call seungmin as she put his coffee on the table.

' yes ? '

' are you sure let that seol join our team ? cause you know i dont want to happen again like last time . '

seungmin take a sip of his coffee.

' i told ya this time ill be careful . '

' but -'

she sigh. Then , she continue. ' if you say so then im okay with it but im still watch after her . '

' you can do whatever you want but on one condition . '

She just hummed in response.

' treat her nicely . I hate people fight over small thing . '

' I'll do what you said then. ' she said and left.


 Hana was so mad right now. She cant handle her anger that grow inside her . So , she just came to the gym and practice her boxing . She punch sandbag with all her force until she felt satisfied.

With the sweat dripping all over her body , she felt extremely exhausted.She walk towards the water filter and drink the water in one gulp . She sat down , try to catch the breath. Not long after , she lay down . Forearm covering her eyes. She ended up crying silently.

Not long after , she felt someone's presence sitting beside her . She quickly wiped her tears and sit up , turn to that person , only to be greet by a white small towel . She grab it and wiped her sweat .  

' are you okay? '

she sigh as she heard the same thing came out from his mouth.

' enough hwang. Can you just dont ask the same thing ? Its annoying . '

' sorry. '

' why you come here by the way ? '

she ask him coldly.

' i just came out from my practice but then i heard someone's punching . So here i am . '

She just hummed in response and drink again .

' urmm you can tell me if you want. Cause you know to make it decrease your emotion ? '

' save it hwang . I dont need it . '

She stand up , grabbing all her stuff.

' where are you going ? '

' take shower but then going home . Oh , one more thing . You can go home now cause ill go back home with miso . '

' ah alright . See you tomorrow hana.'

With that , he left.

' thank you and goodnight ,hwang . ' she mumbled as she saw him walk out from the gym.

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