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seol pov

' why I am even here ? I'm bored ' she questioned herself as she lay on the bed . She wanted to play her phone but sadly she left it in her room earlier . She sighed . ' Why did I left it ? great now what can I do ? let's just take a walk then ' with that , she go out from the room .

'argh fresh air . ' she said as she lay on the grass.

' the sky is pretty tonight. arghh I love it '

' you love it ? ' once she heard unfamiliar guy voice , she immediately sit up and look at that guy

his black perm hair match with his face . He looks so cute .

' w-who are you ? ' that guy chuckle seeing me . ' chill I'm seungmin's brother , Jaeho . '

' ouh , I'm Seol by the way . ' she hug her knees and continue look at the sky .

' why are you here actually ? ' he ask as he sit beside me . ' I don't know why I'm here and all that I can say is I run away from an ugly monster . '

He laugh when she said that .

' what's so funny ? it's true tho '

' no I'm j-just this is my first time I heard my brother bring a girl home. '

' really ? what about you ? You must be a single mingle pringle too . '

he stopped from laughing and glare at her . she giggles .

' sorry . I'm just joking ' she said .

' I know . '

It was an awkward silence after that .

' hey , wanna know something ? ' he ask out of sudden 

. ' what is it ? ' she ask without looking at him , still admire the star .

' I think you are stuck in mafia life . '

she turned at him .

' W-what did you mean ? Mafia ? '

' you don't believe me , noona?'

' of course no .. from what I believe it's just a story in every dra-. '

' what are you guys talking about ? '

A sudden voice interrupt them , they startled a little .

' hyung .. I need to go now see you again noona . '

' okay byee Jaeho. 'then , she turn facing Seungmin .

' Yah , you always made me startled you know . '

He chuckle . ' That's because i love your shook face . It's cute . '

she glare at him . ' stop with your flirty attitude. I don't like it . '

With that , she stand up . she was about to left , that's when she remember what Jaeho said to her .

' yah , you . '

' i have a name , remember ? or you want to call me babe ? '

' whatever . are you a mafia ?'

' why did you think like that, love ? '

' euw . it's just something that comes in my mind . So , are you one of them ?'

He stood in front her and  he bend down to same level as her.

' What if I say yes ? What would you do after that ? Arrest me ? scared ?Hurm? ' he whispered . she could feel his breath hit her face .

' tch , why would I scared of you. You're not dangerous at all . ' she said confidently without looking at him . He stand up straight and put his hand in his pocket . He smirk .

' good girl . '

With that , he walk away.

' so you're a mafia then ? '

He turned around , facing her.

' yes . any problem?'

' nothing . '


Seol was sleeping peacefully . Suddenly, someone open the curtain ,made she groan as the light hit her face. She hid her face at the nearest pillow.

' yah , close it back ' she whining . ' it's not your time for your beauty sleep, jagiyaa . get up , we need to go out today . ' she open her eyes as she felt that person just whispered at her right ear . As she saw his face right beside her , she flinch and push him, accidentally made him fall off from the bed but sadly her hand hit his eyes. He hissed in pain . Her eyes widened and quickly bow at him .

'I'msorryimsorryididntmeantohityournose. ' she said in one breath. ' is your eyes okay ? ' she asked  while trying to look at his condition. He glare . ' you better pay back for what you did to me. ' he said as he walked past her . ' go and get ready were going to shopping mall today. ' ' ehhh ? for what ?! - ' he already gone . she sigh . ' why do I need to obey him ?? ouh right he's a mafia '


While they are walking around the mall, seungmin felt someone following them secretly . He rolled his eyes and mumble . ' ugh , can't they just stop following me around? It's freaking annoying ' without he realise , seol heard it . ' what's wrong huh?'

' we need to run . ' he said . ' what ? run ? with these stuff in my hand?' he just intertwined her free hand. ' RUN ! ' he said . ' Yah , wa-' . Thats when she realise there's some men following them . She cursed and run following him.

' gosh it's the dead end . ' she said . He look at the back and already saw 5 mens. The leader, John smirk and said ' you can't run away anymore . Give that girl to us . If you don't want to die here . ' ' tch , you think I'm afraid of you and your boss ? ' Seungmin said in a cold tone .

when my men will coming here ? 

 he said in his mind . ' I guess I should fight by myself . ' he mumble again . With that , he roll up his sleeves and was about to say something but she cutted him off by kicking one of the rival man, the leader one . Seungmin and the others are too stunned to speak . She just smirked and beat another men . She turn to Seungmin . ' you just wasting th-' ' Seol , watch out ! ' she was about to turn but Seungmin already pull her and kick that guy's face . ' don't speak anything and just focus got it ? ' he said while looking the other rival . 'got it '

' GO!' they started to fight with that rivals until all of them unconscious. She was panting .

' ya , where are you going? ' ' somewh- aishhh ' John locked her head with his arm and cocked his gun at her head .

Seungmin poke his right cheek with his tongue. ' let her go John . ' John just chuckle and said .    ' I've got her already now move before I kill her. ' John slowly pointed the gun at Seungmin .Seungmin just laughed while she just rolled her eyes and hit John's stomach with her elbow . Then , she spin his arm where he hold his gun . she hit behind his neck , completely unconscious. ' he's so slow . ' she said then she push him to the ground .

As she did that , hana ,chan and the others just arrive . They're just speechless by looking the mess . ' we're sorry boss .. we're arrive late . ' chan said to seungmin. ' it's okay now take that guy and lock him up at our basement. ' chan just nodded and obeyed the instructions .

' yah , you beat all of them ? ' hana hit seungmin's shoulder and whispered to seungmin. ' nope . We both did . '

'what do you mean we? Did Seol figh-'

' Yup and I don't really have no idea where she learn that thing '

' I think we need to ask her . Maybe we know something that we don't know . ' she said as she furrowed her eyebrow to seungmin. ' I guess so . '

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