☁ s e v e n t e e n ☁

567 13 8

seungmin , hana and chan enter the museum . Their new mission is to protect the diamond before someone steal it again  .

' there are two ways here to reach the diamond , which one we should take ? '
hana ask miso on the other line using in ear monitor .

' the right one you can follow the directions to the museum and then follow the signs to Diamond.  Next , the left one there is a shortcut or back alley that connects the museum and Diamond. '
' okay , got it . ' hana said .

' so i will take the right one and you can go check the left one with chan . ' seungmin said . They both just nodded and left .

hana pov

she just follow chan from the back . Chan was so damn fast , she somehow couldnt catch up with him . Shes stop for a while , panting.
' yah , chan can you just slow down ? Im t-tired . ' chan turned around. ' I cant , im just afraid our mission fail again , also what if we missed them ?  '
She sighed . ' we dont have much time rn , im going first you will follow me afterwards'
' what wai-'
as he left , she turn around since she heard something , she quickly dodge it .
' what the - '

A person wearing black mask , just grabbed a knife was about to stab her in the stomach but slice in her hip area when dodging the attack . She winched in pain , she glared at the person .
' what happened ? are you okay ? '
miso asked on the other line .
' im fine , ill be right back . '

That person kick hana's leg , made hana fall on her butt . Hana immediately shoot and the bullet hit their left shoulder . That person drop their knife and run away . Hana couldnt chase after them cause of the pain earlier . She cursed under her breath .
' chan , ya where are you ? YA BANG CHAN SUNBAE '
he didnt response on the other line . Out of sudden , the alarm started to ringing . The red light appear .
' sh*t , i need to get out of here . '

with all of her strength , she started to walk out , not until she saw hyunjin .
' gosh, let me help you '
'did you found someone run away earlier ? '
' nope . '


seungmin pov

He was being super careful, taking each step with precision while toe walking in case that culprit know about his existence.
Out of sudden , he felt someone tap his shoulder . He quickly grab their wrist and pinned them on the wall hardly.  That person hissed in pain . They wanted to release the grip but he tighten it . Without hesitation , seungmin remove their mask and hoodie cap , revealing seol.

' so youre the culprit , huh ? '
' seungmin ? what do you mean ? Im not and you are isnt it ? '
' wth im not okay . Im just - '
The alarm suddenly ringing . They looked around .
' boss , the culprit just run away . Quick , run . '
' how ? f*ck , you come with me . '
She snatch away her hand from his grip .
' im not following you , kim seungmin '
' were not done yet , babe '
' seolhee here quick '

a guy suddenly interrupt them , leading to a secret place to escape . She nodded and peck seungmin's right cheek.
' adios , see you again '


seungmin lean on his chair , frustrated . Everything was happened so fast earlier . He couldnt thinking straight right now until his phone ringing . He look at the called ID and immediately answer it .

' yes , grandpa ? '
' its been a while grandpa didnt meet you . Hows the mission ? '
Seungmin sighed .
' im sorry grandpa . They already took two diamond and we still couldnt find out who's the culprit . Why did you call me actually, grandpa ? '
' oh , i almost forgot . *chuckle . I want you to attend the dinner tommorow night . I will send the location at miss kang . '
' is it just only us ? '
' nope . I need you to meet someone '
' and whos that someone ? '
' you will know later . '
' grandpa~ why should i meet them ? '

Seungmin whine .
' dont act like childish . Youre already a grown up man , here. Be nice to them and see you next time '
' but grandp- '
His grandpa already end the call .


As jeongin left the infirmary room , miso quietly open the door and take a peek . She saw chan resting . She enter the room and take a sit beside chan's bed . She give chan orange juice . Chan look at her and slightly smile . He thank her then he grab the drink .
Miso smile back .

' are you okay now ? '
' yeah , nothing serious . Why did you come ? I mean is there anything you want to talk about ? '
' o-oh nothing j-just wanted to see you . '
She laugh nervously .
' ah i see . '

Chan chuckle .
' why are you nervous talking to me ? Im not gonna eat you , miso-ya '
Miso melted inside as she heard chan's chuckle . She blushed .
' i know . Oh , wait . '
' why ? '
Miso bring out a chocolate from her pocket . She lent it to him .
' Take this . Im giving you cause I dont like these type of chocolate . '
' then , why are you take it at the first place ? '
' urm , ... li- hana give it to me earlier . I-i already told her i dont like it , she just made me accept it . ' miso chuckle nervously .

Chan grab and eat it . ' thank you again '
Miso just nodded .

Little did they know , lino watching them secretly . He was about to visit chan earlier , he stop on his track as he saw them  laughing . He rolled his eyes and walk away.

As seungmin arrive the restaurant that his grandpa told earlier , he saw a red luxury car park beside his . He ignore it and get out from his car . As he turned around to lock his car , he saw someone's familiar standing beside their car . Without thinking twice , he go towards them . He made they turned around , their eyes met .

' i guess were both a coincidence ' seungmin said . Seol raised her eyebrow .
' i think so . So , why you come here , handsome ? '
' meeting over dinner . Gosh , you look stunning babe . I wish i can ..' he slightly grab her waist , pulling closer .
' bring you back to my mansion. ' he whispered . She wrap her arm around his neck .

' soon okay ? now , lets go inside shall we ? '
' wait are you -'
They both break the hug (?) she smirk .

' im going to meeting over dinner too , love .'

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