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After a long time playing , they decided to play the last time before they end . Seungmin already went to bed while jeongin ,seol, eunmin ,han and changbin already being wasted . Its just only felix , miso, lino ,chan ,hyunjin and hana still sober . Felix spin the bottle and it landed on hana .

' truth . '
' so , you still have feelings for your ex ? ' miso ask out of sudden .
' what question is that ? Hana has ex ? ' felix ask .
Hana was about to pass the question but miso hold her hand .
' dont pass it . Youve been passed three times already . '
Hana sigh and answered without looking at hyunjin , her ex.
' not anymore . '

As she said that , hyunjin stand up and going outside . Hana knew this will happen so she just let him be . Chan aware of this situation so he just keep it silent , he dont want to jump into someone's business out of sudden.
' okay lets clean this mess before we went sleep .' chan said .
' I want to sleep with hanaaa~ . ' han said in a drunk state. He cling onto hana's arm . She sigh . ' chan can you clean this mess with the others ? Felix and I will bring them to sleep . ' Chan just nodded .

' get up jisung-ah. '
' huh ? okay . ' han stand up but he stumble a little and fall from her grip. Hana chuckle and hit his head with her hand .
' what was that for ? Its hurt . ' han pouted .
' get up already . Ugh, youre so stubborn . '
Han giggles and hold hana's right hand.
' letss goooo ' he drag her but then he hit the door . Hana sighed , look at him .

After they clean the mess , hana sit on the stool near kitchen island, drinking warm tea with chan . Miso already went to sleep.
' im going to sleep . Bye ' lee know said .
' urm , see yaa . ' chan said .

' what time is it ? ' hana ask .
' oh its already near 1am . Its hyunjin already went home ? '
' i dont think so . ' hana said as she take a sip on her tea . Chan sighed.
' hana . I know there's something between you and hyunjin . Whats up? Why you keep hiding it from me ? And the others ? '

Hana look at chan , then she look away.
' well i guess i should let you know but dont tell the others yet , only a few people that i trust i could tell. '
' so you dont trust me before ? '
' its not like that . Its just ... '
' im not ready but I can tell you now. ' hana continue .
' if youre not comfortable its okay with it . '

' no . I still want you to know. So , he was my ex back then when we were in highschool. I thought he love me but in the end i just found out that im a bet . Its hurt to see him again you know . I hate him . '
Chan just nodded , understood the situation. ' so youre not forgiving him until today ? '

' i already forgive him but seeing his face , made me felt stupid for falling in love with him . '
' hana , listen . Can you just let the pass go ? It will become more hurt if you just leave the scar open ' Chan stand up and pat her shoulder. ' i think thats all from me . I need to go to sleep . Think wisely okay ? ' Hana just nodded . Then , chan left . Hana looked at the clock but then she turn her gaze at the door .

Where did he go ? Should I look for him ?

Hana stand up and go outside . She looked everywhere and saw him at the backyard on the bench . She approach him and stand beside him . He look hammered already .
' hyunjin ? '

He didnt response , his head still look down . She look at his figure , she wanted to walk away but he said something that made her stop . ' im sorry . Please come back to me ' he stand up and walk towards her . ' hana-yaa ' she heard a loud thud . She turn around and saw him , laying . She immediately walk towards him . ' yah , wake up . Lets go inside . '

He weakly smile as he saw she still care for him . He sit up . She just look at him . He want to caress her cheeks but then his head fell on her right shoulder , hand grab her sleeve . ' i love you hana . It breaks me knowing youre no longer beside me . ' he mumble as a tear escaped from his eyes.
' will you forgive me ? '

She want to say but a single word doesnt came out from her mouth . Her tears already running down through her cheeks. She cant denied that , she miss being in his arm , his warmness really give her comfort and felt safe . At the end, ..

She still had a feelings at him .


Seol felt comfortable sleeping . She giggles while snuggling her face , hand intertwine with (?)

Wait, why i felt like im - ?

She open her eyes slowly . She just find herself laying comfortably on someone's body . She look up and saw seungmin's face right in front of her . Seungmin just open his eyes too , shocked . They both screaming and immediately let go of themself . Seol end up fall off from the bed , making a loud thud. She groan in pain .

' EXCUSE ME , I - ' seol suddenly remember what she did last night .

flashback ------

she walk drunkenly towards her room . she stopped in midway as she saw two room . One at right , another one at left . She mistook seungmin's room as her room . So , she just went in and lay on the bed .

end of flashback ------

seol look everywhere . She just realise she's in his room . She look at seungmin who already raised his eyebrow. She look away , embarrassed.

' you what ? Wanting to sleep with me from the start ? '
' eish , Im drunk okay last night. Dont blame me anything . Youre the one who didnt lock the door . '
' why should I ? Its my house so what ? '

She roll her eyes and stand up , made her way to go to her bedroom. She slam the door .

' mr.kim I need your help '
' what is it ? ' seungmin said as his eyes still look at the computer .
' this '

Hana put the document in front of seungmin . Seungmin turn his gaze towards the document , then he look at hana .
' miso found the killer of my parent and they also ruin my life before. Now i really want to take my revenge and kill them with my own hand . ' seungmin just nodded while examine the whole information. He knew this guy in this picture . He clench his fist .

That was his cousin that he hate the most , Kim Minjae .

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