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seungmin was peacefully watching tv . Not long after , seol came out from her bedroom and go straight to the kitchen , grabbing a cold water to drink . Then , she made her way to sit beside seungmin , put a bowl of dark grape on her lap.

' what are you watching ? ' she ask as she put one grape in her mouth.
' nevertheless '
' oh i know that guy named song kang as the main lead right ? '
' yea , why ? Interested ? '
' nope . I dont like that kind of drama . Its boring and complicated tho but I like those flirting part . ' she said without thinking twice . He turn his gaze , towards her .

' is that so ? '
' yea . Why ? Got any problem in it ? '
He suddenly lean in , she back away .
' dont come closer paboya or I'll punch you . '
He chuckle . She rolled her eyes and push him but he is quick enough to grab her wrist. She could felt his hot breath hitting her face , his face was too close and she could assume that if she move a little , his lips will touch hers . Her eyes that met him suddenly turn to his lips . He smirk.
' you want it ? '
' w-what ? no ? '

He chuckle and back away . Seeing her flustered , he laugh . Then , he eat the grape. She chuckle in disbelief.

Did he just lean in just to grab the bowl ?

' ya , my grape give it back. '
he didnt listened and keep eating while watching .

seriously this guy ?

He put another grape inside his mouth and then he said .
' take it from here . '
She knitted her eyebrow .
' no thanks . '
Suddenly , the scene in that drama got steamy . She gulp and turn her gaze at him. He was unbothered by watching it . She sighed and stand up . She couldnt watch it .
' where are you going ? '
' urm anywhere that I want . '
' can you just stay ? '
She stayed silent , dont know what to say.
Thats when the doorbell ring , meaning someone just pressed the bell. She sigh in relief.

' i'll go . '
He just nodded and continue watching . She went to the door and look at the person through video intercom . Her face lit up as she saw felix waving , smiling . She go open the door widely .
' hii '
Felix pull her into a hug .
' yah felix move . '
She chuckle as she saw eunmin . She break the hug and go hug eunmin .

changbin yell at the car . Eunmin roll her eyes . ' this man so noisy . YEA YEA WAIT '
'what are you guys doing here ? '
' what else ? we came here to have a sleepover . Right hana ? '
Jeongin said . Hana look at seol and then she sighed. ' yea '

After they watch the movie , they went to eat late night snack which is *jokbal .

(a/n: jokbal (pig's feet or trotters) is cooked in soy sauce and other seasonings for several hours. )

' jokbal tastes better when we consumed with sojuu ' han said cheerfully while holding a bottle of soju .
' wait where did you get it ? ' chan ask.
' huh ? I found it at the kitchen cabinet. So , i bring it out . '
Everyone turn their gaze at seungmin .
' what im adult already okay ? ' he said while reading his book.
' seungmin-ah , there won't be just one bottle , am i right?' hyunjin ask.

' theres more . At the storeroom . Wait , imma go get it . ' seungmin said .
Everyone cheer happily .
' seungmin sunbae is the best . ' eunmin said .

' ahh im so bored . ' seol said .
' lets play truth or dare ? Whoever the bottle stop spinning , you should do the challenge . You can pass it if you want but drink a cup of soju . ' felix said
' okay cool . Lets make a circle. ' miso said . Everyone sit in the circle except hana. Everyone look at her figure , wearing earpod while playing video game in her phone. She realise everyone look at her , she stop from playing and her eyes met hyunjin . She look away .

' im not playing . '
' what ? come on hana . Just only today hurm ? Please ? ' han plead at hana . She know she couldnt resist han . She put down her phone and pull out her earpod.
' fine . ' she said as she sit beside han and lee know . As she sit , she just realise she sit across from hyunjin. She cursed under her breath.

Miso spin and it landed on chan .
' wait it is okay for you to play sunbae ? Your head - '
' im fine dont worry . So , what is it ? ' chan said.
' okay truth or dare ? '
' urm truth ? '
' have you had any crush on someone here ? ' eunmin quickly ask.
' oh come on eunmin . Thats so clishé ' changbin nagging.
' what ever . So , yes or no ? '
Chan's eye wandering look from one person to one person but then stop at miso . Miso looked down , dont want to admit the answer. Lino suddenly throw a bottle cap at miso's head . Miso glared at lino. Lino laugh . Then , chan look away .
' maybe yes i guess ? '
Lino on the other hand aware of chan answer, he felt jealous .

' okay next . '
Chan spin the bottle but then it landed on seungmin. Chan smirk .
' truth or daree ? '
' i dont want to be tease anymore .So, I choose dare.'
' okay kim seungmin-sshi kiss the person in front of you. '
' huh ? Me ? no i dont want ' seol protest.
' chill seol . Its up to him whether he want or not . Not you brick . ' lino said as he take a sip of soju. Seol look at seungmin .

can i just ran away ? ugh i dont want him.

He now in front of her. Lino and eunmin waiting for him to make a move, felix , changbin , han and hyunjin screaming like theres no tomorrow , miso , jeongin and chan just close their eyes (but actually its not) while hana look unbothered , scrolling something in her phone.

' im going to kill you after this . ' seol whispered.Seungmin just chuckle and lean in . Seol just close her eyes , dont want to see his face . He just give a peck on her lips but then he back away . She open her eyes just to saw him already sitting . She could not say anything as her mind going blank after she felt his lips touch hers in just a sec.

' its not fun at all . ' lino said . Seungmin glare at lino . Then , he just continue spin the bottle .

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