☁ s e v e n ☁

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' shut up or not i'll kiss you '

seungmin lean in while looking at her lips , she scream .

She open her eyes . The first thing she saw his face right in front of her . She accidentally hit him with a pillow . He fell off beside her but then he sit up . 


she just realise what she was doing but still she dont felt guilty at all.

' well its not my fault . What are you trying to do huh ? '

he hit her face with a pilow that she throw at him . ' says the one who are in a deep sleep earlier . should've left you in a car . ' he sigh.

She look away, embrassed . He lay back beside her, eyes closed. She scoffed in disbelief.

' excuse me ?! Go sleep in your room , paboyaa . '

' im tired lifting you up . Youre heavy.'

' you could have slap me duhh. Now move . Your room right in front of mine. Its not that far tho. '

He suddenly pull her , made she fall on top of him . ' could you just let me rest for a while ? hurm , shortcake ? ' She quickly get off him and walk towards bathroom.

' i-im going to take a bath . '

She close the door .

' yah , dont forget left before i came out and locked the door ! '

' yea yea . Ugh , so noisy . '  


' sunbae can w-we take a break ? '

(a/n: sunbae is senior in korean.)

seol ask as she's trying to catch her breath after she did weightlifting 7 minutes straight .

' sure . you did great today . Im suprise. ' changbin compliment her.

she thanked him and drink the water . ' what time is it ? ' she ask him .

' its almost LUNCH . LETS EAT! ' he yell. She chuckle seeing his cute behaviour. ' lets go . '

After seol grab her lunch meal with changbin , she saw eunmin sitting with felix and jeongin , having a little conversation while eating . They walk towards them. As she sit beside eunmin , they all look at her and changbin . Eunmin's eyes widen .

' can i sit here ? '

they nod and continue eating .

' yah eunmin . I have a lot of things to ask you but first of all . Since when youve join this kind of mafia things ? '

' you both knew each other ? ' jeongin asked. ' yea , shes my bestfriend . ' she said while she take a bite of her meal . 

' seol lets talk after this . I have a lot to ask you too . ' eunmin said . Seol nodded , smiling. ' who made this meal tho ? '

' why is it delicious ? ' felix ask .

' yeah i love it . '

' see i told you seol. Dont you ever judge by the look of the food . YOU NEED TO TASTE IT FIRST . ' changbin said with a slight anger tone in it.

' who judge by the look of the meal earlier ? ' a sudden voice join in. Everyone pointed at seol. Seol look at them . Then , her gaze turn to that person . His eyes meet hers. She look away.He does look attractive to her as she see his black hair doing two block bang hair , him wearing black plain shirt and black tracksuit. ' what ? I didnt said anything . I just said its delicious . This sunbae make a fake story earlier . ' seol pouted.

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