☁ e i g h t ☁

848 22 4

3rd person pov

As they arrive in front of the ceo's office. The guard stopped them.

' Im samuel. The person that wanted to meet Mr. Park.'

They nodded and knock the door.

' Let them enter' Mr. Park said.

' So where's the money ? '

' Here with me but you need to sign this first.'

' Come here'

Samuel put the letter in front of mr.park. As Mr. Park sign the letter, somoene barged in , panting.

Mr. Park put his pen down.

' what happened ? '

' Mr. Park there's someone made a ch-chaos at the m-main lobby.' said his men.

' WHAT?!' He slam the table and stand up.


'What?! I didn't do anything . '


Before he could say anything, he fell down on his knees. Head started to bleeding, someone just shoot his head from a far .

(a/n: fyi,it was han tho.)

Samuel still in shock . ' WTF WHO DID THIS ? ' he yelled as he saw mr.park's body laying lifelessly in front of him. Chan hold samuel tightly. 


' Youre in trapped mr.kim samuel.' Seungmin said as he took off his sunglasses and throw it away.


' Chill samuel . I just wanted to talk you .'

' What talk? I dont have anything to talk to you.'

' You sure? Huh? ' seungmin ask as he slap samuel's cheek hardly.

' Hey look at me .' He grab samuel's jaw.

' You wanted to die like him too huh?'

' N-no.' Samuel stuttering . Seungmin smirk .

' Good now obey m-' 

' Boss watch ou-'

Chan was about to push seungmin but he was too late.Someone inject seungmin on his neck from behind.

' Hi its me again.' That person whispered.

' You?!'

' Yeah its me.' Taeyong smirk. Seungmin wanted to hit taeyong's body with his elbow but Taeyong already grab seungmin's wrist and push seungmin on the wall. Seungmin cant moving at all cuz his eyes started to blurry , his body weakened. Taeyong fight with seungmin's men while chan quickly tied samuel on the chair. Then , chan started to shoot taeyong's right arm. Taeyong just smirk.
' That's it?' 

'nope' chan throw away his gun and pull out the dagger which inside his boot. He ran towards taeyong and started the fight. Not long after,Taeyong hit chan's stomach with his knee and push chan on the desk hardly. Chan groan in pain but he immediately pull taeyong's leg ,made him fall too. Chan climb on Taeyong and start to punch his face until more bleed came out from his mouth. Out of sudden, someone hit chan's head with plank. Chan started to dizzy and collapsing on the floor. Taeyong who cant see the person properly , just chuckle. He thought mark came but actually not. That person just grab Taeyong's collar. Taeyong confuse. He just realise thats not mark. ' Who a-are you, huh?' That person just laugh sarcastically. 

'Me?' That person just pull taeyong's collar , facing their face.

' Why you need to come and ruin my plan huh?!'

' Y-youre a girl? '

' Yeah I am . Why?'

' Why your voice sounds fami-'

She hit his head with her head hardly. He passed out. She let him go and take the suitcase.

' Ya, what will you do with my money?!'

She rolled her eyes and walk towards samuel. Samuel gulp and close his eyes tightly.

' Dont kill me please'

 She laugh evilly. ' Why I should kill you? There's no use. I just wanted the money.'

' Just take it and save me please.'

' Save you ? I dont think I can let you free. After what you have done , bitch.'

With that , she just hit samuel's neck with the grip part of the gun.

' pathetic' Then , she approach seungmin . 

' Yah , wake up '

He wanted to grab her wrist but then he passed out.


Seungmin open his eyes and sit up. Looking everywhere, only to find himself in his bedroom . He tried to remember what happen last night but his head hurts . He groan. Hana who just came in , immediately give the water at him . He grab and drink it in one gulp. She sigh as she saw him in this state. 

' w-what happened ? Its our mission failed ? '

' nope . Idk what happened in that office but all I know is we've got mr.park already.'

' That girl '

' Huh? What are you talking about?'

' No. Before I passed out there's a girl .'

' No one was there . Some of them dead , some of them passed out just like you. I thought you were the one who press the emergency button?'

' Nope. It wasn't me neither.'



' hana '

she just hummed in response .

' i just found out who is the killer of your parents . '

' what ? ' she slammed the table out of sudden , made miso flinched a little.

' im sorry can you just tell me ? '

' here . ' miso give the document . She opened it without hesitant .

She examine the whole pictures that were taken a few years ago . She even read the file that has detail in it .

Once she found it , she clench her fist . ' those jerk again . '

' you knew ? ' 

she nodded . ' basically that jerk trying to ruin my life more . I want to kill him. Where's his company ? '

Miso grab hana's wrist . ' dont do anything right now please . You must be in dangerous and it could be a trap. ' hana look at miso's face , full of worried . hana sigh and sit on her chair back . ' so whats the plan ? '

' we could have told mr.kim first '

' let him rest first . '

' alright . ' miso said as she stand up .

' thank you , miso '

miso look at hana . Then ,she smiled and nodded. 

As she left , hana lean on her chair , frustrated . ' if i knew from the start , i should have save them'

Suddenly , someone knock the table .

She sit up , fix her position . Only to saw her favourite drink , iced peach tea. She took a glance of that person . From his back she knew who is it . She sigh . She just wanted to throw away but her eyes stuck on the notes .

dont throw away . I knew you want it .

' so he still knew my favourite ' 

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