☁ n i n e t e e n ☁

490 12 19

chan's eyes widened as he knew his crush being tied up . Taeyong and mark look at chan .

' you knew her bro ? ' mark ask chan .
Chan look away , breaking the eye contact .
' what ? no '
' oh come on , isnt she work under skz gang too ? ' taeyong said .

chan's heartbeat quickened , nervous . He doesnt want them know about his little crush on her cause once they knew he will messed up .

' it is but i think she is just a low worker .. I guess ? '
' tch , useless girl , we should just kill her . '
Taeyong said as he cocked his gun at miso's head . More tears came out from her eyes .
Chan looked away as he's not strong enough to look at her state right now .
' bro chill , maybe we can make it more easier for skz gang to find us and give our last diamond ? We need it remember ? '

' yeah put that gun down for sure , taeyong-ah . We still lack of our discussion .'
chan said . ' okay lets go then . ' taeyong left after he said that . Mark just pat chan's shoulder and left him . Chan sighed and remove the tape that shut her mouth .

' sunbae ? why you need to do all of this ? why you betray us ? isnt our gang not enough for you ? '
' hey listen -'
' no tell me sunbae . '
' i cant ' he mumble but loud enough for her to hear that . She sniffle .
' why ? why you lied to them too ? .. that you didnt know me ? '
he remain silent didnt know how to explain .
' you know what , you could let them kill me tho . Im just a useless person here. '
' youre not , okay . now listen . ' chan said as he hold both miso's shoulder .
' first im sorry to involve you here . I didnt know they mistook you . I will try to help you to free from he- '
' then , youre willing to sacrifice another person of our gang to get kill ? enough chan . I dont want to hear anything from you . I - i just cant trust you anymore . I hate you . Please leave me . '

The three words that he heard right now , felt like his heart being stab many times . He really wish that three words dont mean anything to her . He stand up and left her just like that . Its hurt to hear her sobbing , crying .

seungmin pov

' now what can we do now ? everything doesnt go well anymore . They've got miso and chan betrayed us . Ugh , that guy . I cant believe he betrayed us just like that . '
lino lean on his chair after he said that , frustrated after he knew his bestfriend betrayed him . He grab a bottle and drink in just one gulp , try to calm down .

Everyone was waiting for seungmin to speak , yet he didnt said anything . Seol look at him and she began to speak.
' actually , i knew from the start chan being suspicious towards us but i didnt know he's showing us right at this time . Im sorry didnt tell you guys sooner ... So , lets focus on our mission real quick or not they will killing our member . So , let me introduce to you guys first . As you see , im not na seolhyun , im min seolhee , the daughter of min's family . These people were my gang .'

They were 6 people here , 3 boy and 3 girl .
They all bow and introduce themselves . The good looking man like an ice prince is sunghoon aka seol's assistant . The grey hair and have a sharp jawline named jay . The smart one , have a brown hair and captivating eyes is jake . Sieun is a girl with ginger braided hair . The short one with white hair named sumin . Also the last one , yoon a tall girl with a cute bang black hair .

After that , they all started the discussion about the last diamond that nct gang were trying to steal from skz gang .


miso turn up her gaze at the door , as she heard the door opened . She narrowed her eyes to adjust the source light from the door . Thats when she saw the guy that kidnapped her . She assume his name was mark (?)

' hi , pretty '
' ugh , what do you want ? '
mark chuckled and grab her chin , made her look at him .
' let me ask a quick question . Where is the last diamond that skz gang keep it ? '
' you think im going to tell you ? '

He slap her left cheek hardly , a blood come out from the corner of her mouth.
' you dont want to tell me huh ? or you want to die here ? '
He said as he put the knife at her throat . She gulp.
' i rather die then telling you , you motherf*cker '
He started to piss off more , he run his finger through his hair . He harshly let her go and tell the men to cover her head with a sack . They release her from being tied up on the chair and hold both of her wrist , tied together with a rope .

She hissed in pain as she could felt her wrist reddened . She really wish she can fight with all of them and run away from here but she knew she's not strong like hana .

As they bring miso out of the room , chan stopped mark .
' where do you want to bring her ? '
' she's just a useless b*tch , i want to learn her a lesson . '
' since ive got nothing to do , can i come too ? '
' sure '

at the same time

seungmin pov

him at the abandoned factory , more like waiting for taeyong to come .

' ugh , do we need to do this real ? '
seol who was beside seungmin , she's on her knees . Her body being tied up along with her hand. She basically couldnt do anything instead just talking . Seungmin just squat down on her level , pat her head .

' im sorry , just hold a little okay ? It almost end . '
She rolled her eyes .
' when they will coming , its hurt . Ugh , i swear i wanna kill him so bad after what he done with me . '
' babe , chill were going on this together . Youve got yours , and i've got my part . '
' yeah , yeah '

' sir , theyre coming . '
changbin said more like whispering to seungmin . Seungmin look at him and nodded . He stand up and act like a professional one .

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