☁ e l e v e n ☁

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hyunjin pov

He was eating dinner alone . Suddenly , someone sit in front of him . He turn his gaze and saw someone that he wish he dont want to see it anymore , kim minjae.

' hi hyunjin . Its been a while huh ? '
hyunjin rolled his eyes and keep eating , ignoring him. Minjae chuckle in disbelief .
' hyunjin im trying to be nice to you. Dont you miss me ? '
Thats it , hyunjin was done . He put his chopstick down and look at minjae .
' what do you want again ? ' hyunjin ask coldly . Minjae smirk .

' simple. Want to be friend with you again . '
' sorry but im not interested . ' hyunjin said as he continue eating . Minjae clench his jaw and pull out the handgun , pointing at hyunjin . ' work under me or else - '

' else what ? kill me ? try it . ' hyunjin said as he throw tray at minjae . Minjae dodge it and shoot the vase , made the situation become more chaotic . They keep fought until hyunjin realise he surrounded with minjae's men. Hyunjin cursed under his breath. Minjae smirk evilly . ' youre doomed , hyunjin . Now , come. '

Suddenly , someone shoot two men in just a sec , they fell down . ' WHO IS IT ?! ' Minjae yell . He turn around , only to get a kick on his face . He fell down, his mouth bleeding . He spit out the blood and look at the person who was fighting his mens with hyunjin . That was he knew , it was hana .
Minjae immediately shoot hana's arm . Hana groan in pain , she look surrounding . She cursed once she saw more and more minjae's men coming . She hold hyunjin's hand . ' hwang we need to run . ' He just nodded and started to run with hana .

While running , hana tried to call chan and seungmin . Unfortunately , her phone died . ' FXCK MY PHONE DIED . WHAT SHOULD WE DO ?! '
Hyunjin suddenly pull hana into a narrow dark alley , hiding behind food stall. Hana open her mouth , wanted to say something but hyunjin shush her . There's not much space for them both to hide . She pull hyunjin closer . So that , they are completely hiding . They both turn their gaze towards their right , to watch minjae's men run pass by .

After they left , she turn her gaze and realise their position right now.So close ... their eyes met . They were lost staring into each other eyes until he felt a warm liquid running down to their hold hand . He turned his gaze on her arm where the wound located.

' gosh , your arm . Its bleeding a lot . '
he tried to look everywhere to find anything that can stop the blood from coming out . She just boldly take off her shirt , revealing her in black singlet . She tie it tightly at her wounded arm , she hiss in pain . While him , blush and look away . He took off his hoodie that he wear and give it to her. She look at it .

' wear this . You m-might catch cold . ' he said as he couldnt look at her . She just grab it and wear . ' im gonna tell chan our location . ' he said and walk away a little . She just chuckle , seeing him flustered.

After Jeongin treat her wound , Jeongin left , let her rest for a while . She lay down , close her eyes , feeling extremely exhausted . Not long after , someone came in. She open her eyes to look at the person , who sit beside her . Once she saw hyunjin , she close her eyes back .

' hana , urm can we talk ? '
She just hummed in response .
' how did you know we were fighting earlier ? '
' i guess you should know . '
' huh? What do you mean ? '
' he's coming back to take a revenge on us again . He wanted to destroy us . You knew like last time ... ' she mumble the last sentence , hyunjin could hear it clearly .

' like what ? ' he knew what she mean but he just try question her .
' forget about it . Go away , im tired . '
She put her forearm on her eyes .
' Actually i know what you mean . Why dont we just go back like we used to ? '
She remain silent. He sigh .
' its okay if you dont want to . ' he stand up as he said that . ' good night. ' He left .

He really hoping that she could stop him from go but it failed . She didnt utter a single thing , his heart tightened , a lot of question appear in his mind .

' does she still love me ? i dont think she like me anymore , she had han anyways . should i move on from her and found a new lover ? '


seungmin pov

Its night already . He was standing , admiring the view of the sea . Not long after , a black expensive car arrive and a guy came out from the car .

' long time no see , kim seungmin-sshi '
' yeah . Why do you want to meet me actually ? ' seungmin ask as he turn to minjae. Minjae just chuckle .
' cant i meet my own cousin here ? Im just missing you a lot . '
' bullsh*it , i know that was a lie after all . How's life in UK ? '

' just great . Chilling , having fun f*cking with girls out there . They all are sexy and hot you know. I like it.'
Minjae chuckle evilly as he light up his cigarette which is he put between his teeth.
' that's it ? '
' oh im selling drugs too . Its a big success for me . '

Seungmin sigh .
' thats why grandpa doesnt want to descend heirs at you . You're completely misuse it . '
' so what ?! Yah , listen im trying my best for grandpa notice me at first but now what can i get ? Nothing hyung NOTHING . ' minjae try to take a breath for a while.

' what can i do now , hyung ? tell me TELL MEE !!! ' he yell , out of frustration .
' i hate grandpa . can i just burn him alive ? '
' KIM MINJAE ! watch your mouth . Im warning you . '

seungmin kick minjae , made minjae's back hit his car . Then , seungmin grab minjae's collar .
' LISTEN HERE . you better go back to UK and do the work that grandpa told you before . ' seungmin punch minjae's face .
' if i saw you again or you mess with my people . youre dead . Got it ? '
Minjae just smirk . ' im not scared of your threaten, kim seungmin-sshi '

' f*ck you . ' seungmin punch minjae's face again . Then , he push minjae to the ground.
He squat in front of minjae who cough out blood . Seungmin grab minjae's jaw , made minjae look at him .

' just do what i said . Got it ? '
Seungmin said as he let minjae go . Seungmin enter his car and drove away .
Minjae clench his fist , screaming .


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