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' yah kim '

' what again , shortcake ? '

' whatever . Can you just let me wonder around this company? '

' nope. '

' what? why? Is there something wrong?'

he suddenly stood up , remove his glasses while walk towards her who sitting at the armchair. She furrowed her eyebrow .

' what ? Is it dangerous for me too ? No? I swear to god its getting bored when you just came here and sitting watching you did all the w-'

she stopped her word as he pinned her. He lean in , she could feel his hot breath hit her face .He smirk .

' flustered now? '

She rolled her eyes and decide to play along . She grab his tie , pulling more closer . ' nope.'

' why you dont let me go and wander around Mr. Kim ? ' she asked  more like whisper . Now , hes the one who flustered . She smirk playfully. ' Mr. Kim ? Are u here ? ' He stood up , let her go and walk facing the window .

' dont do anything stupid . '

' wait fr ? thank you kim seungmin . '

she left as she said that . Seungmin on the other hand , blushing after what she did just now . His heart couldnt calm down . If he just go and kiss her ... ' wtf kim seungmin whats going on inside your mind ? ' he sighed and do his work back .


as seol walk around , she accidentally bumped into someone made all the file scattered all over the floor.

' omg im so sorry . ' she said as she bow and help to pick up the file.

' here. ' she look at the person . Her face doesnt show any expression after seol help her. Instead she just look at seol and then grab the file. After that , she left . Seol chuckle disbelief.

' how rude . She didnt utter a single thank you . '

' let her be. '

She turn to the person .

' pardon? '

' she always like that towards new people . Just let her be soon she can be nice to youu i guess ? '

' i think so. '

' urm , btw im chan . Youre seol right?'

' im guessing you all know my name . How comes? '

' oh were j-just know from you remember the day you and mr. Kim fought all the 5 people ? '

' yes? '

' i was there capturing all the man. ' he giggles , hand shyly scratch at the back of his neck .

' yeah right. I do remember . '

' so why do you came here anyway? '

' just wanted to walk around . Oh , are you not busy now ? '

' oh yea right ? I forgot the reason i came here .. Soo if you wanna go eat there were cafeteria at 2nd floor . '

' oh okay thanks . '

' see you again . '

' alright . '

As he left , she sigh in relief.

' i need to wander around carefully . '


' where are we going? '

seol look around only greet by some tree, kinda more like a forest. She questioned yourself .

 ' wth , he bring me in the forest ? '

' ya '

' eating '

you look at seungmin in disbelief. For real? Like in this state?

' are you sure in the forest , kim? Like for real? Dont tell me - ' 

 he chuckle.

' why you laughing tho? Its not funny '

he stop the car and look at her . Suddenly , he lean in . While she , back away her head . She close her eyes .

' we're here. Lets go. '

' huh ? '

She just realise he unbuckle her seatbelt . 

' damn , why did I close my eyes ? Pabo-yaa '  she look around .

' since when this restaurant exist here ? '

' youre not going ? '

He ask .

' uh? okay '  


Theres not much people in it but still the decoration in it so warm and cozy . If she live nearby here , she will always come here and eat .

' is this a vip place ? '

he nodded . Not long after , a waitress enter the room .

' what do you want to order ,sir ? '

She recognized this familiar sweet voice. She lift up her head and saw the person she miss the most .

' eunmin ? '

' urm yeah hi '

' omg i miss you . wait what are you doing here ? '

' urm .. working ? yeah as you see ... '

She open her mouth , just wanted to say something but then she heard him , clear his throat Eunmin immediately bow her head a little , apologized. 

' what do you want to order , sir ? '

' just give me the meal that ive always order . '

' alright and miss ? '

' just give me spaghetti carbonara and lemonade. '

' anything else ? '

They both shake their head .

' okay . '

' wait , can we talk later ? '

' no. ' he suddenly said .

Eunmin left .

' why no ? Youre not eunmin though .'

' i said as i said . '

' what ? she's clearly my friend . Were not strangers. '

' still no . '

He said as his eyes still on his phone . She roll her eyes.

' Fine ! '

She said as she pull out her phone from her bag .  


After eating ,  they stand up and came out from the room . He turn to left while she stopped .

 ' is he dumb? where he is going to ? '

' ya , where are you going ? The exit there . ' she ask as her hand pointed at the exit door where they enter just now . ' can you just follow me ? Youre so noisy , shortcake. '

' yeah im noisy why ?! '  

he suddenly stopped on his track , made her head hit his back.

' ouch '

he turn around , facing you . You look up , eyes meeting him.

' shut up for once or not i'll kiss you .' 

(a/n: oh i forgot to tell you , the restaurant was made to cover their mafia place . All the worker here are work under seungmin . So , there's a lift to go underground . That's their base located . )

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