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seungmin pov

he was standing in front of chan's grave .

chan hyung , my friend .
thank you for being my first ever friend ...
thank you for staying beside me through thick and thin , i still remember how we first met , you treat me as a little bro since day one , i never had a big brother like you and i still cant believe you leave me first , you leave us , you were too young too died , rest well hyung . I will never forget about you , we will never forget about you and all of your hard work from being an excellent my grandpa's right man to being my best closest friend ever . Thank you for everything hyung.

with that , seungmin bow and put a bouquet of white chrysanthemum at chan's grave . He looked down , another his close friend leave him . Out of sudden , he felt someone stroke his hair . He turned to that person , its seol . She open her arm , reassuring him to hug . He hug her , head snuggle at her neck . She didnt said anything , just pat his back .


3 months later ...

' guys , i heard a guy from nct gang decided to join us after his friends died . '
Jisung said as he approach the table where all of his friends gathered .

' huh ? is that true ? ' jeongin asked .
' yup , it is . ' hana suddenly butt in . Then , she step aside , making everyone look at the person who standing behind her .
' our godfather let him worked with us. His name is haechan . He will work as a hacker and be felix's partner . Lino sunbae can be my partner for our next mission and so on .'

' can i just exchange with lino hyung ? He can be with miso ' hyunjin asked , totally pouted . ' what ?! Yah , hwang hyunjin I dont want him tho as my partner . ' miso stand up from her sit , completely talked back at him . ' i knew you like him , you dumb . The way you lo- hmph ' Miso stuffed his mouth with bread that felix was about to eat . Her eyes met lino's . She immediately walk away , shy. Not long after , lino follow her .

' UUUUUU , LOOKS LIKE MY SHIPPER IS IN SEAL !!! HEY , HEY DONT FORGET ABOUT OUR BET! TIME TO SETTLE UP ! ' changbin yell while he lend his hand to make eunmin , felix , han and jeongin pay the bet .

' well, they're not in a relationship yet, so we'll have to wait and see first , what do you think , changbin hyung ? ' han said as he wiggle his eyebrows.

' True, they're not officially a couple. Let's see if they end up together ! ' this time , jeongin said , supporting han . Changbin scoffed . ' whatever , but STILL YOU NEED TO PAY OFF OR NOT I WILL EAT YOUR MEAL !!! '
felix mimicked changbin without him knowing . ' WHA- FELIX YOU ! '
felix ran away , changbin chase him . They others were laughing their ass off .

' what about us ? ' hyunjin suddenly ask her while the others not pay attention at them . hana turned to hyunjin and pat his head . ' no need to exchange , im fine . '
' but - '
' hwang hyu- '
' fine but can we ... cu-'
' what ? '
' i miss you ' hyunjin said in lower tone , afraid get scolded . She just chuckle and grab his hand , drag him somewhere .
' not here. Lets go '
hyunjin remain silent and follow hana . He slightly smile and blushing , when they were holding hand .


' please g- give me one more chance ... I-im sorry . I p-promise I can be a g- '
a middle-aged guy sat on his knees and bend down , regret for what he did .

' stand up will you ? ' seungmin said coldly .
The guy immediately stand up and grab seungmin's cloth while look at him .
' im sorry , im sorry - '
Seungmin push him to the floor .
' too late too apologize . Now, face the consequences of what you've done. '

' huh ? What no . Im sorry s- '
someone shoot that guy on the head . He froze on his action and then he fall down .
' he talk too much , my ears hurt '
seungmin chuckle as he knew who is it .
' now , what can we do with this guy ? '
Seol asked as she go take a look the guy earlier . Then , she move towards seungmin .
' yah , kim seungm- ' he kiss her lips .
She push him away . ' answer me , kim '
' thats not my name sweetie '
' ugh , whatever . ' seol rolled her eyes .

seungmin suddenly grab her waist , pulling her closer . ' do you want me to make your eyes rolled back , sweetie ? ' he whispered .
seol gulped and look away. ' enough , babe . We can continue this later . Now , should we burn this guy in the car ? Pretending he kill himself ? hurm ? '

' I like your brain , love . Im so proud having you as my future wife . '
' o mai god , please stop . '
' i knew you love it '

with that , felix cut the line .
' let him be . Thats why he's single till now .'
seungmin said as seol giggle.


5 years later ...

' argh , my hair ! Mom ! HELP SIWOO GRAB MY HAIR !! ITS HURT !! '

a 3-year old little girl scream as her little brother pull her long curly hair . The mom who heard it , quickly go help her daughter .
She picked up siwoo who crying . She patted his back and bring him somewhere .
' hey , siwoo-ya . Dad will coming back okay ? Dont cry . '

Suddenly , the door opened , revealing seungmin . ' siwoo-ya look appa '
siwoo who crying earlier , suddenly stopped as he saw his dad . Then , he started to cry again . She sighed . ' babe , take him please. I want to cook. '

Seungmin chuckled and grab siwoo .
' my little prince miss dad . Hurm ? '
Seungmin give a peck at his cheek . ' appa is here now . Dont cry okay ? '
He stopped crying instead he's giggling . Seungmin smile as he saw his little son smilling widely . Seungmin's heart melting look at siwoo's smile. It does remind him of seol's smile .

' appaaaaaa '
a little girl ran and hug seungmin's leg .
' youre back ' seonmi mumbled .
Seungmin chuckled and bend down , same level as seonmi's height . He pat seonmi's head .
' of course im back , seonmi-ah '
' appa , siwoo pull my hair earlier. Its hurt '
seonmi pout as she pointed her finger at siwoo . Seungmin sighed as he looked at his 1-year-old son .
' baby , did you take his toy again ? hurm ? '
' no , he disturb me , drawing ! I hate him ! '

Siwoo cry again .
' give it to me . He wants milk i guess ? '
Seungmin just gave it to seol . Then , she left to bedroom . Seungmin go take a sit on the sofa . He patted beside him .
' come here , sit '
With that , seonmi climb and sit beside seungmin .
' baby , do you really hate your little brother so much ? '
' i do . He always disturb my moment '
' hey , dont talk like that . He just wanted to play with you , thats all . You're the one who said you want a little brother , cause youre bored . Now , you had one . You hate him ? What if one day he hate you back or he didnt want to talk to you ? What will you do ? '
' urm ... ' she didnt know to say anymore instead she cried .
' come here baby '
She sit on seungmin's lap and hug him .
' im sorry ... ' she mumbled . Seungmin just carressed her back .

' look at appa '
she let go of the hug and look at his dad .
' dont fight again okay ? Promise you wont scold him . '
' promise . ' she sobbed . Seungmin wiped her tears .
' dont cry . Tomorrow appa will bring you guys meet grandpa and grandma . Did baby miss them ? '
Her face light up as seungmin mentioned his parents . She nodded repeatly , made her looks so cute . She peck seungmin's cheeks . ' THANK YOU APPA . I LOVE YOU ! '
' love you too baby . Lets go seeing mom and siwoo ? '
' YES ! '

...... the end ......

(a/n: hellooo readers !!! First of all , thank you for read till the end , i really appreciate it . How's my action story is it good ? Im still new about writing this kind of storyline actually , and i wanted to write just for fun ! Im sorry if there any mistakes that i made :(( This is my second book that i write , the first book is hopeless romantic hyunjin ff . Do check it out on my acc and read ! Do leave a comment and votes if you want . But that story isnt too long like this one . Soon , i enter the university life and i dont know if i can continue write a new book or not . Dont worry , i will think it twice . Soo , that's it . Thank you soooo much ♡♡♡♡♡)

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