☁ t h i r t e e n ☁

690 17 11

(a/n: a quick reminder : before seolhyun gone. )

hana pov

as soon as she arrived her house , her heart dropped . Everyone gathered in front of her house , the firefighters immediately hold the fire hoses tightly and point the water at house that burn with fire . She panting heavily ,pushing people aside , so that she can standing in front of her house . Her tears dropped down through her cheeks .

' no , my parents '
She wanted to get closer , but the fireman hold her . She yell .
' miss calm down . We're gonna try and save them okay ? '
' BUT - '

' the fire was completely burn the house down . If there's some people in it , we might not bring them out alive . '

As soon she heard it , the fireman let her go , felt sorry to her . She kneel on her knees , crying loudly . She just lost her parents and her little sister .

She wake up from her sleep , panting heavily . Sweat dripping down from her forehead , the tears unknowingly welled up at the side of her eyes . That tragedy still haunting in her dream . She turn on her phone , look at the time . Its 0145pm . She sigh as she couldnt sleep at all , her mind still replaying the bitter memories over and over again . She sighed heavily .

I need to take a fresh air at this point .

With that , she wear a black hoodie and go take a walk at the nearest park .

She sit on the grass and look up the stars .
She found three stars that shining brightly in the sky . She smile weakly , remember her parents and her little sister . An unknown tear welled up at her eyes .

' Mom , dad , hanni .. I miss you guys '

She hugging her knees .

It feels cold without you guys . Its been a while I didnt feel loved and care . Why you guys need to leave me that early ? Im still teenage that time . Now im alone , doesnt have anyone to lean on . I wish i could turn back time and save you . The sweet and bitter memories ... Its still on my mind . Mom , i miss your cooking skills . The sweetness in your voice , that loving smile ... you used to sing a lullaby and carresed my hair . I miss it . Dad , im sorry being a bad daughter to you . I didnt listen to your advice , instead i talk back at you.  Im really sorry , i dont get a chance to hug you and give a little present to you. Im sorry dad for scolding you because you always on that damn working . Having no time to spend time with us .Hanni , i miss you kid . I miss spending time with you . Im sorry if i always mad at you because you always take my stuff and ruined it . I always wondered how you looks like when you grow up so that we can spending our time together . But now , youre gone ... Everyone left me alone in this cruel life . God , why you dont take me too ? Why you need to make me suffer like this ? Tell me .. I was about to give up from living in this world . People are so toxic nowadays , how can I search someone who can understand me and give me some love ? Should I just doing suicide ? No one will search for me right ? Right ?

' hana ? what are you doing here ? '
A familiar voice greet her . She look up and saw hyunjin . She suddenly stand up and go hug him , burried her face at his chest , arm gliding between his arm and placing at his lower back . He was speechless . After he heard her soft sniffing , he slowly hug her back , caressing her hair .

' are you sure you can go back to your apartment by yourself ? ' he ask her worriedly . She look away and nodded .
' alright . Sleep well '

He just take a step but then he felt something tugged at his sleeve . He turn around and chuckle. ' You want me to stay , right ? '
' its late okay ? Something might happen at this hour ... ' she lowered her voice , embarrass.

' she still the same hana that i know '

' stay here Im gonna take the blanket . '
He nodded but then she left . He lean on sofa back once he sit . That's when his eyes stuck at document which is on the coffee table in front of him . He saw something familiar . Without hesitation , he grab it , to look in detail .

Once hana enter the living room , hyunjin ask her .
' what is this ? why minjae's pi- '
She snatch it from him and hide the document .
' Its none of your business . '
' hana , we both know who minjae is . What's up ? Why dont you tell me too ? You know he's after us right ? '

She sigh and take a sit beside him .
' So , I already asked mr.kim to help about this . Here take a look . He was doing .. '

She tell him all about minjae, their enemy since highschool.

*knock knock

' come in . ' seungmin said. The door open revealing seolhyun . She close the door as she enter and sit on the chair in front of seungmin .
' kim seungmin-sshi ? Youre still working ? '
' why ? '
' im bored though . Cant I go out ? '
' nope. '
' eventho with you ? '

He look at her but then he continue his work .
' im busy right now '
' seriously ? fine , im gonna sit here and watch you until you finish . '

She said as she put her head on her palm , staring at him .

5 minutes ... 10 minutes ...
He put down his pen and do the same pose as she did , staring at her too . Her face started to heat up .
' w-what are you doing ? Go continue your work . I-im waiting . '

She cursed in her mind .
' damn why did i stuttering ? '

He chuckle and lean in. He whispered .
' you disturb me , sweetie . How can I do my work ? Hurm ? '
She suddenly lean in until their nose touch .
' kiss me so that i wont disturb you , kim seungmin-sshi '
He stand up and walk towards her. His eyes never left hers . He turn her chair ,facing him .

' kissing you huh ? ' he said , smirking.
' im just j-joking '
' well its not a joking anymore '
he said as he staring at her lips .
' what '

he kiss her . She stood there , frozen . Then , she felt the urge to kiss him back. She wrap her arm around his neck . He smirk and placing his right arm at her cheeks , left arm at her waist , deepen the kiss . Not long after , he broke the kiss and hold her hand , drag her.
' where are we going ? '
' date '

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