☁ t w e n t y ☁

534 11 32

miso pov

The next thing she knew , she being tied up with a bomb at her body . There's 30 minutes left.  Her eyes widened , her heartbeat quickened . She never knew she will end her life like this . She sniffle .

' look at you now , crying like a baby . '
' would you stop all of this ? '
Mark walk towards her .
' stop ? Youre begging now ? ' he chuckle evilly , then he continue .
' this is why you act rude towards me ,sweetie  '
She turned her gaze to left harshly  to release the grip on him . Suddenly , the door opened revealing chan .

' what are you doing bro ? Why you - '
Mark stand up and walk towards chan .
' shocking for what i did to her , huh ? Come on chan . I just wanted to have fun . '
' this is not fun at all , mark . Stop the bomb please . We could do anything but not the bomb one .'
Mark poked his cheeks with his tongue and aim the gun at miso .
' you had a feelings towards her right ? '
Chan look at miso , his eyes met her teary eyes . He look at mark again .

' i assume that was a yes . ' he wanted to pull the triger but then chan kick mark's hand . The gun fell from mark's grip . Chan quickly shoot all the men while fighting with mark meanwhile she try to free herself .

' oh come on ' miso mumbled . Out of sudden , she saw a hand helping her too . She look at the person , it was lino . She opened her mouth , wanted to say something but then he just shush her .
He was struggling to find the wire to stop it , she could see the sweat dripping from his forehead .

' lino-ya i think you should help chan sunbae '
Lino turned around and saw mark on top of chan , punching like theres no tomorrow .
Lino cursed under his breath , he doesnt know who he want to save . Miso hold his hand . ' there's 15 minutes left , go save him first . I'll be alright . I know you can do it fastly . '

He looked at her but then he nodded . He ran towards them and push mark away . Chan was coughing blood , he look beside him . Lino was busying choke and punching mark , he doesnt realise mark was holding a gun ,aiming at miso .

A loud bang suddenly could be heard , miso opened her eyes only to saw chan right in front of her , smiling weakly .
' i save you right ? '
Chan fell on his knees , more blood coming out from his mouth . Lino who saw mark smirking at him made him clench his jaw more ' WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! '  . Lino punch hardly and let mark go.

' save miso first , cut the red one ' chan cough a little . Lino slowly make it way to
cut the bomb . He listen what chan said and gladly they make it . They sighed in relief and miso went to chan , check up on him . ' damn , you lose your blood too much sunbae . ' she said still sobbing . 

' im gonna tell the others first . ' lino said and left them . ' please hold a little sunbae '
' miso ya ' she just hummed in response . Chan slowly make his way to cup her cheeks . ' im sorry , im a bad person to you '
' no youre not , sunbae . I was the one who should say sorry to you . Im sorry for scolding, yelling , mad at you and ... I didnt mean i said i hate you sunbae . '
' i know ' chan chuckle lightly .
' y-youre not gonna leave us right ? '
' im tired miso . '
' please hold a little bit '
' i cant , the pain was too much '
She cried . He wiped her tears slowly .
' i like you park miso '
With that , he let his last breath . His hand that hold miso's cheeks fell down .
' I like you too , chan sunbae . Rest well '
She cried more , lino pull her into a hug . She hug him back.
' he's gone. ' miso said while sobbing.
' i know . ' lino slightly pat her back . The pain that he hold from the start , finally he release it. Lino cried too . He just losing his bestfriend .

back to seungmin pov

Taeyong enter with his gang and some of his men .

' where is it ? '
' here ' 

seungmin give a sign to jeongin , so that jeongin give them a black suitcase. Taeyong look at the seungmin but then he turn his gaze to that suitcase. Doyoung take it and ask Johnny to examine the diamond determine if it real or fake . Once Johnny fnished it , he just nodded saying its the real diamond. 

' Dude , dont touch me . '

A familiar voice ringing Taeyong's ear . He raised one of his eyebrow and turn to look at the person . Seol's eyes already look at him .

' You dont want to save me too ? '

Taeyong was about to say something but then Haechan on the other line said to Taeyong , panting .

' Boss , w-we're already in a trapped again . They're completely got our two diamond .'
' I knew it . ' 

Out of sudden , a single shot hit one of the man who standing right beside Taeyong . The factory sliding gate being locked from outside .He cursed under his breath and avoid the attack from seungmin . Everyone in that factory started to attack each other . 

' tch , you're stupid . You think I can easily give it to you ? ' 

Seungmin said as he attack Taeyong with a dagger . Taeyong dodge it and attack seungmin with a gun . ' I came here to play along too . ' He smirked . ' you b*tch , im not gonna let you out alive ' ' try me , then .'

While they all fighting , seol was struggling to open the tape that wrapped around her body . She cursed under her breath , as the man who hold her earlier already dead in front of her , he was supposed to release this tape earlier . A guy suddenly came towards her and try to drag her somewhere . She immediately kick his leg , that guy fast enough to dodge it and pick her up . She uttered a yelp , hoping someone could help her at this point . Out of nowhere , a single shot hit that guy's thigh . 

' you're not going anywhere with that girl , as*hole . ' 

that guy put seol down and go towards hana . Hana quickly give a pocket knife at seol and shoot that guy . That guy avoid it and grab hana's leg . In a quick movement , hana kick his face . She immediately stand up and hide behind the wall . Hana take a peek of that guy , but that guy existance gone . 

' What the - ' 

That guy punch hana's stomach . He grab hana's collar , shoving her at the nearest wall . His hand wrapped her neck , completely choke her . She wanted to free herself , but damn he was stronger than she expected . Hana's face started to red . 

' help '

Suddenly , that guy's grip loosen . Hana coughed , and she could see the blood coming out from his head . ' Sorry im late . You're good now ? ' Seol asked . Hana just nodded , catching her breath.   



felix on the other line yelling at their in ear monitor . ' WHAT - ' Taeyong chuckle lightly as he heard what felix said in seungmin's in ear monitor .

' let's die together then ' Taeyong said as he turned their position . Now , taeyong on top of him choking . Seungmin slowly slide his hand at his pocket cloth , searching something . As he felt it , he grab and stab taeyong . ' im not going with you '  The blood come out from taeyong's mouth and splash at seungmin's cloth . He push Taeyong away and stand up , find a way to escape .

' HERE '  hyunjin yelling at seungmin . Seungmin quickly escaped with hyunjin. Right after they get out , the abandoned factory explode . They sighed in relief after his mission completed.

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