☁ f o u r t e e n ☁

680 12 15

Seol made her way inside the club , wearing red satin short dress and a black heels . She walked in vip room as she just get permission to enter using vip ticket . The two guard in front of 003 room , block her way .
' who are you , miss ? '
' im vanessa , minjae's friend . Can I meet minjae now ? '

They look at each other and nodded . One of them open the door . She slightly smirk and enter the room . As she enter , she was greet by a sexy girl straddle on minjae's lap , make out. Seol rolled her eyes and take a sit . Minjae notice it , he stopped what he did and told that girl to wait for him outside . That girl give him a peck , then she left .

' who are you ? '
' what do you mean ? Im vanessa , you dont remember me ? '
' huh ? '
Seol scoot closer to him and whispered at minjae's ear .
' the one we did it in the car , mr. Kim '
She said as her finger playing with his collar . Minjae smirk and look at her .
' im good isnt it ? '

' yeah maybe '
She said as she push him , made his back hit the wall .
' what the - who are you ? '
Seol grab his collar harshly .
' chill bro , i just wanted to join you . '
' join what ? you - '

He wanted to punch her face , she quickly grab his wrist and pinned down .
' Kang hana . You know her right ? ' seol ask.
' what's with that question ? '
Seol tighten her grip more on his wrist . He groan in pain .
She let go of him .

' you know what , i want to destroy her too .'
' you knew her ? '
' basically yes . She always blocked my way . ' she said as she take a sip of whiskey .
Minjae who heard what she say , he smirked and scoot closer to her .
' well you can cooperate with me then . '
Seol chuckle . ' sure . '
' only one condition '
' what is it ? ' she take another sip .
' make me '

She giggles .
' what's favour is that ? hurm , mr. Kim ? '
He put his hand at her thigh , caressed it . She look at it but then her eyes met his .
' you want that badly ? '
' youre sexy babe , i like it . '
She put down her glass and grab his chin .
She lean in , he close his eyes . She smirk as she knew her mission was about to success. She stand up , leaving him dumbfounded. He open his eyes , already saw her at the door .
' i have to go , see yaa '

As seol came out from the club , she suddenly being pull . The next thing , she knew someone pinned her at the wall and kissed her. She knew that person by his cologne , she kiss him back . He close the gap between his body and hers . Then , they broke the kiss . She looked at him .

' what was that for ? ' she chuckle .
' i felt like i want to destroy those evil smirk at his face you know . YOURE MINE , ONLY MINE '
She slightly smile and peck his lips . She wrap her arm around his neck .
' dont worry babe , im here . Its just a mission after all . '
' a f*cking mission . ' he mumble .
' youre so cute seung . I cant '

Seungmin snuggle his face at her neck .
' dont beee , im shy ' he whined . She giggles .
' lets just go home . Shall we ? I want to take off this kind of smell . Its gross . '
' i can replace it with mine . '
She blushed .

' yah , lovebirds just take off the in-ear piece will you ? Ugh , its disgusting ' felix said on the other line .
They giggles .
' sorry lix . '

Seungmin intertwine his hand with her .
' lets go ? '
She nodded , smiling .

hana pov

She's on her way to photostat machine to make a copy of recent project . There's a lot of paper in her arm right now . She almost cant see the path until hanji appear .

' gosh , why you need to bring all the paper in one time ? You can just ask for my help '
He said as he help her. ' i cant see you tho plus i dont want to burden people . '

' stupid hana '
' what did you say ? '
Hanji chuckle .
' chill girl . No need to mad at me . '
' what ever. '
' ey hana . What's wrong ? You good ? '
She remain silent as she put down all the project and look at the front . Hanji follow her gaze , he chuckle .

' are you jealous gurl '
' what ?! No . Its just , do that damn work not flirting here. ' she look away and continue to arrange the page . ' anyways , thank you for your help '
' no problem. '

' hana '
She just hummed in response .
' you dont want to disturb them ? I mean you know just have fun ? I miss having fun with you tho. '
' what disturb those lovebirds ? No thanks . I have lots work to do . '
' come on hana , thats hyunjin and eunmin . Its fun to see their face after being scolded by our boss . '

Hana suddenly crumpled the paper and throw in the dustbin . ' im sorry hanji but i dont want . Go continue your work , i want to photostat those paper . '
' hana-yaa '
' what again ? '
' calm down hana . So ,lunch with me . Onz ? '
' i will inform you later . '
' alright . See you '
After he left , she saw hanji disturb them . She lightly chuckle .


After taking dinner with han and chan , they went to their home by theirself . Hana , the only one took a different path between them . So , she's now alone . While riding , she stopped at traffic light due of red light .
She suddenly remember where hyunjin and eunmin together this morning . She doesnt know what to feel at that moment . Everything so messed up , sad , anger , happy all mixed up become one feeling . Her eyes stucked at one red stall beside the road . At this point , she wanted to drink something . So , she go to that stall .

Not long after , she's drunk . Her head completely on the table , wasted already . Head couldnt thinking anything , the feeling started to control her mind . The tears welled up at her eyes .

those sh*tty feelings , those freaking memories . F*ck it. Why do i need to face all of this ?! Ugh , its so annoying .

'young lady ? Its late now . I want to close the stall . ' an old grandma shook hana's body .
' huh ? w-what time is it ? '
' its almost 12 . Can you walk by yourself home , young lady ? '
' oh , im okay . Im okay . '
hana was about to stand up but then she tripped over . The grandma quickly catch and help her stand up . Hana chuckle and bow to grandma .

' thank you , grandma . ' she said in a happy tone . Grandma just smile and said .
' be careful young lady . '
While she was walking , a van suddenly stop and grab her . Then , the van drove away .

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