☁ s i x t e e n ☁

544 14 8

present >>>>

its been a week and yet hana didnt see hyunjin's figure at all , right after she wake up from her temporary coma. She wanted to talk something at him but sadly she couldnt find him . She asked everyone secretly , they said they didnt know . She sighed .

why did he need to dissapear like that ?

' hana ? youre good ? '
miso suddenly take a sit beside her , place her americano on the table .
' huh ? '
miso chuckle and take a sip of her drink .
' you miss him , dont you ? '
' what ? why would I ? I-i mean why did he need to dissapear like that ? I just wanted to talk to him ... ' hana end her sentence with a lower tone .

' soon he will comeback i guess ? Dont worry to much tho '
' soon ? gurl , did you hide something from me ? '
' what do you mean ? Im just guessing tho . Who knows he will come back ? '
' right ... ' hana said as she drink her tea.

Suddenly , eunmin entered while on call with someone , laughing . They both turned to her .

' yah , jagi . When you will stop telling me your dad jokes ? Its hillarious '
Eunmin laugh again . Hana rolled her eyes.
' ugh , she's so noisy . '
miso giggles.
' yah , why you always had a beef with everyone ? Theyre not disturbing you tho . '
' it is . ' hana said as she stand up and make her way towards eunmin . Miso tried to stop hana but she completely ignoring miso . Eunmin notice hana's presence , she immediately end her call .

' cant you just shut your mouth for a while ? Its so noisy hearing your laughing and those sh*tty cheesy pickup line every single day '
Eunmin bow her head a little , feeling scared hearing hana's firm voice .
' im sorry '
' whos calling you earlier ? '
' m-my boyfriend . '
' your boyfriend ? Arent you ashamed flirting with random guy behind his back ? '
' what do you mean ? I dont understand .'

Hana clench her jaw .
'tell me. You still keep in touch with hyunjin right ? '
' nope . 2 weeks ago , my last conversation with him . Why you need to know actually ?'
' its none of your business . '
Hana was about to left her but her words made hana stop from walking .
' you were his ex right ? Why you still care about him anyways ? '
Hana glare at her and put her hand around eunmin's neck , slightly choke her . Hana shove eunmin at the wall . Miso quickly stop hana. Hana couldnt care less about it , she push miso on the floor .

' let me go . ' eunmin said breathless .
' dont you dare to talk about him anymore .'
' i-i wont . Pl-please le- '
' whats goi - HANA STOP '
hanji said and changbin quickly pull hana away from eunmin . Eunmin sit up and try to catch her breath . Hanji help her .
' hana whats wrong with you ? ' changbin scolded hana .
' let me go first , will you ? I wont do anything stupid . '
Changbin let her go , she fix her cloth .
' yah , why you need to - '
' han jisung stop talking and yelling . I dont want to hear anything right now . ' she said as she walk out , leaving everyone behind .


'OH HWANG HYUNJIN YOURE BACK !!! ' changbin yelling , grabbing everyone's attention. Hyunjin scratch at the back of his neck and bowing a little at them .

' hi guys ! '

Hana who just walk out from the office breakroom , frozen as she saw him . Hyunjin's gaze turn to her . Hana immediately put her drink away and walk rapidly at him . She suddenly grab his hand and drag him somewhere . Everyone left in a question meanwhile some of them knew something fishy will happen . They turn their gaze towards each other and they secretly following them .


they stopped from walking as they reach the rooftop. She let go of his wrist .

' where did you go these two weeks ? '

hyunjin raised his eyebrow as he heard those sentences come out from her mouth.

is she even real asked me that ?

' are you miss me that much ? '
' yes eh no ? anyways w-why you need to vanish like that ? I dont get a chance to talk to you '
hyunjin chuckle , seeing hana flustered . He lean foward gently made hana's back meet the wall behind her back . She started to panick inside but she hold it with her poker face .

' about what hana , hurm ? '
' of course about us duhh what else ? '
' i thought you didnt want to talk about it anym-'
' no i just want to end this kind of misunderstood things between us . '
' misunderstood ? its clearly i love you hana what else did you want ? '
She sighed.
' lets just take a sit '
' nope , lets just make things clear here . '

' im sorry . Sorry for not hearing your explanation that day . I should not let my ego controlling me . Youre suffering so much before . I didnt know your parents abandoned you ... Im really sorry and thank god youre still make it here . Thank you for survive till this day . I will stay by your side and give all my love to you , its okay hurm ? Wait , are you - gosh . Come here '
She hug him , her hand slowly pat his back . He hug her back , head snuggling at her neck .
' youre not change at all , hyunjinnie '

Her warm embrace conveyed comfort and understanding. In that moment, he felt a sense of solace . Hyunjin back away , arm still resting at her waist . He look at her with red puffy eyes.

' youre not g-gonna leave me again , right ?'
hana chuckled and cupped his face , she wiped hyunjin's tear that were stained at his cheeks . She slightly smile and nodded . He hug her back .

' God , I miss you so much ' hyunjin mumbled.


lino knocked the door . Seungmin let him in , he enter and bowed .

' what is it ? '
' felix and I were found out that someone was trying to sabotage the government 's diamond that we keep but luckily we already change password to a new one. Oh , one more thing the culprit use the old password . Isnt only people between us know about this password and where we kept that diamond ? '
Seungmin nodded.
' we need to be more careful after this . Lets told the prime minister that we wanted to change a new place for that diamond and dont let other people kn- '

The office phone started ringing , interrupt their conversation . Seungmin rolled his eyes and answer the call .

' mr. Kim sorry to interrupt , but theres an emergency . Lee feli- '
' BOSS T-THE DIAMOND ... I-IT WAS GONE ' felix said in a rush tone .
' WHAT ?! '

(a/n: happy 800 readers!!! thank you for reading and make it till here , i really appreciate a lot ♡♡♡ im still working and find a way to continue these story please wait for me ! <3 do follow and leave a comment if you want , i wont force you . Again , thank you so much ! )

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