☁ t w e l v e ☁

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' boss , boss '
Jaehyun enter taeyong's office , panting heavily .
' what is it , jaehyun-ah ? '

' someone give you this letter . Im sorry i accidentally opened it , i thought it was mine at first . '
Jaehyun bow a little .
' its okay , now leave . '
' alright '
With that , jaehyun left . Taeyong open the letter .

hi nice to meet you again , taeyong lee .
I just found out that you are desperate to drop skz gang . Oh , also na seolhyun ? you want her back right ? need help ? I can sabotage skz gang without them noticing . Come meet me at xxx factory , tomorrow night . See yaa .


' who the f*ck give this letter ? '


seungmin just enter the living room . He saw jaeho and seolhyun watching tv together .

' oh hi hyung '
Seungmin just nodded and went straight to his bedroom . Not long after , he went to kitchen , grabbing cold soda drink can from the fridge . Then , he sit beside seol . Seol notice that , she moved away from him .

' what are you guys watching ? '
' horror movie . '
' eh hyung . Didnt you hate horror things ? '
Seol turn her gaze at seungmin.
' are you scared , kim seungmin ? '
Seol mocked him . Seungmin drink his soda and look at seol and he turn his gaze at television .
' i dont get scared easily . I just hate those creepy stuff . '

' eyy , hyung . You sure ? '
now jaeho tease seungmin . Seungmin throw a pillow at jaeho .
' shut up you both . I want to watch . '
seol and jaeho look at each other and giggles .


They were watching until seol felt someone grab her right hand which is resting beside her thigh . She silently turn her eyes , it was seungmin's hand holding hers . His head suddenly snuggling at her neck . She raised her eyebrows and slowly turn her head .

Is he sleeping ?

She heard his soft snoring . Jaeho already went to bed since he felt sleepy in the middle of the movie earlier . She let his hand go slowly and continue watching . Not long after , he wrap his arm around her waist . She sighed .

As Taeyong arrived with his men , they went in . Taeyong get confuse when he saw a familiar guy standing , facing his back to taeyong . Taeyong raised his eyebrow. That guy turn around . They both widened their eyes and aim the gun at each other.

They both said the same thing at the same time .
' so youre the one who give me a letter ? '
' what letter ? I also get the same letter . '

They both confused. Seungmin open his mouth , wanted to say something but get intterupt by phone ringing. He answer the call.

' Wha-'

' Boss ' seungmin heard that person's panting heavily. ' S-someone break into your mansion and se-seolhyun gone '
Lee know said on the other line .

' ill be right back '
as seungmin said that , he decline the call and go punch taeyong's face hardly . Taeyong spit out his saliva that mixed with blood .
' out of sudden ? '

Anger built up inside seungmin . He wanted to kick taeyong but taeyong dodge it .
Taeyong said as he go fight with seungmin until they both panting heavily .

' Did y-you just planned to kidnap seol ? '
Seungmin ask as he try to catch up his breath . ' no . I just came here to found out about something . '

' wait i think we have been trapped '


Jaeho just open his eyes , adjust his eyes from exposure to light. His head feel dizzy , he groan in pain .

' how did you feel ? ' jeongin ask .
' w-what happened ? '
' we found you unconscious and - '
' wait what about noona ? '
' she's gone . We didnt found her yet . Why ? You know what happened in the mansion ?'
' last thing i try to protect her but then someone knock me out ' he sighed in frustration . ' im sorry '

Jeongin pat jaeho's shoulder . ' its okay . I understand . Just take a rest ' Jaeho nodded .


Seungmin lean on his chair , he was in mansion home office . He close his eyes , feeling tired . He was working from morning to evening and yet he didnt finish his work .

'kim seungmin-sshi, what are you doing?'

He quickly open his eyes as he heard seol's voice. He sigh.

' I must be crazy . Why I should miss her tho. '

He want to continue his work but then his eyes found something tucked under his keyboard. He grab it and open.

Hi Mr.Kim Seungmin!

You must be wondered where am I , right? lol I dont think you want to know . Anyways , I wasn't even kidnapped in the first place . I guess my grandpa want me back to his place. Confusing right? Well Im gonna tell you who I really am . Im not Na Seolhyun , I am Min Seolhee. The daughter of Min also known as White Tiger gang . Poor you , dont even know who exactly I am . *laugh. Im joking . I'll take my leave then. Thank you for protect me from my enemy. I'll be right back as I'm done with my mission. See you !


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