sick day

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Summary: You're sick, and the absolute last thing that you want is for an overprotective King of Dreams to find out. Of course, you should know by now that it's impossible to keep anything from Morpheus, and when it comes to you, there's nothing that he won't do to make sure that you're safe and well.

You're sick.

You had tried to deny it when you felt a tickle in your throat days ago, one that wouldn't go away no matter how much water you drank. Allergies, you thought. There was no way you were getting sick, because you're far too busy lately to actually get sick.

When you woke up yesterday with your head feeling like it was stuffed full of cotton, you still tried to brush it off as nothing more than a mere nuisance. And it was just a nuisance, until the day dragged on longer and you started to feel worse and worse until all that you wanted to do was just go home. You were freezing even though you were wearing a heavy coat, your limbs ached, and the exhaustion that clouded your senses made everything feel slow and jerky. You had left work early, which is something that you almost never do, and had fallen into bed upon returning home with the hopes of sleeping this bug off.

Unfortunately, the fever that you're dealing with makes it impossible for you to actually rest. You hover on the precipice of sleep and waking, reality seeming to melt around you when you think that you're finally asleep. There are times where you're sure that you've slept for days, only to check the dimmed light of your phone and see that it's been merely an hour. This sickness is really trying to make you miserable, then you can't even escape into dreams to see your own Dream, your Morpheus.

At some point, there's a tapping on your window that brings you back to full awareness. You wish you could say that it wakes you up, but you can't. You groan, blearily pushing your bedroom curtains open to see what it is disturbing you. After wincing from the sunlight and having to wait for your vision to clear, you make eye contact with a large, black raven sitting on the windowsill. You were wondering when Matthew would finally come looking for you, considering you haven't left your bedroom since yesterday. Morpheus is nothing if not overly protective of you and your safety, which means frequent visits to the Waking by his raven.

Fumbling with the latches on your window, you finally unlock them and push the window open to allow Matthew to hop in. Early on in your relationship with Morpheus, you had taken the screens out of your windows to allow Matthew easy entrance whenever he was tasked with coming to check in on you. Once he's in safely and you close the window behind him, you fall back against your pillows, the exertion too much for your weakened body.

"Hi, Matthew," you mumble, looking over at him.

"You look rough, kiddo. I don't need hands to know that you've got a fever."

"Thanks," you say bitterly.

"I was wondering why you hadn't left your home for a day. Guess I got my answer." He hops closer to you, and you have to turn your head so you don't sneeze all over him. "One nice thing about being a raven now is that I don't have to deal with getting sick."

"Just keep rubbing it in, why don't you."

"Sorry," Matthew apologises. You wave him off, letting him know you're not actually offended at his actions. "Do you need anything? There's not a lot I can help you with, but I can do some things."

"I'm okay, I've got the essentials." Gesturing towards your nightstand, you name it off, "Water, meds, thermometer, crackers in case I finally get hungry."

"Okay, if you're sure." Matthew doesn't sound like he's too assured by you, but if you say that you don't need anything, he's not going to try and force you to name something you need.

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