claiming his queen 3

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Morpheus stared coldly at the girl sleeping dreamlessly, wrapped in the softness of the sheets and pillows. He had moulded them from the clouds in the sky and the fresh snow in the mountains still untouched by man, providing her with every comfort you could desire. Now she was peaceful and still, content against the rich colour of the material. It suited her skin, he mused and wondered if deep down he had chosen it because of how it made her look, like his goddess, his queen.

A threatening rumble made its way from the back of his throat to fill the room. Her wrist was now free from that atrocity that ripped her away. All he wanted to do was to make her feel good, make sure she was satisfied and happy while he cleared up the mess and restored the kingdom for her. He asked nothing of her, just a little taste., despite the gnawing hunger eating away at him from the inside. It would have been so easy to take her, yet he hadn't, and how did you repay him?

With betrayal.

'Master? What are you going to do to her?' Matthew crowed as he swooped down, setting majestically on the bedknob at the foot of the future queen.

'That is none of your concern.' His voice a barbed warning to his companion.

'I am just saying ...she was terrified; she thought you were a demon; you can't blame her for trying to get away.' Matthew spoke, yet there was a caution to it, a hesitation that never flowed in his almost constant chatter.

'She should know my intention from our bond; she betrayed me.' His voice was a clear warning, but Matthew heard the weariness that weakened his low tone.


'Enough.' Morpheus did not raise his voice; he rarely ever did; it was the tone, a deep,fear-inducing menace of his voice. 'Watch over her; call me when she awakens.'

Morpheus had to escape. He had much to think about, a punishment to devise, and he could not dare to do it while he looked down at her. It made him want to forgive her, and he did not want that. It was a weakness that he would not indulge her in. He was the king, and any weakness to him was a weakness to the kingdom and a threat to her. As much as it pained him, her punishment was for her safety.

A familiar nudge pulled him from his musings. A frown tugged at his pale pink mouth; his kingdom was not yet ready for visitors, its inhabitants had only half returned, and the place was still a hollow husk; he had wanted to let the future queen aid in its build, but that plan was seemingly impossible now.

Navigating through the corridors, he circled back to his throne room, where Lucienne loyally stood guard. Beating his sibling back with careful civility.

'What are you doing here uninvited?' Morpheus's low voice echoed across the chamber as he took his throne, ignoring the painfully empty seat he had carefully crafted next to him.

'Can't siblings check in on each other? I thought I was your favourite.' Death smiled, stepping around his librarian, eyes roaming the deep darkness of the throne, lingering on the empty seat, eyes accusing. 'New throne?'

'State your business, sister. Then leave.'

'Do we really have to do this, brother?' Death's voice had lost its cheery lilt and was replaced by annoyance and anger. 'There are rules about taking a human. You should know that, we have often dealt with Desire's... inclination towards human playmates. If they are here too long, they cannot function on their return to the real world, and you cannot keep a human here.'

Morpheus observed his sister before he spoke, 'There are, but none that state a soulmate should not be permitted to reside in my kingdom. They are protected.'

'Morpheus, you can do better than that. It would help if you took some pointers from Desire and at least make it believable. I know you were locked away for a century, you're lonely, but we are endless; we don't get a soulmate.' The pity in her voice stung more than her anger.

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