love markings

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In a high vaulted grandiose throne room - with its looming columns on either side crafted with precision and artistry to the magnificent stained glass windows ahead which defied reality as they shifted in color and told their own stories - the reigning Lord and his peculiar raven were at odds, to put it plainly. A palpable tension had settled over the room, filling up every inch of the expansive space. It was suffocating, and nerve wracking. The Lord, Dream of the Endless or Morphues, glared heavily at his newest raven with searing hot daggers. The poor raven, Matthew, avidly avoided the Endless's gaze, yet the heat was undeniable. The thought of possibly spontaneously combusting crossed Matthew's mind.

And what caused such tension?


Dream's love.

Dream's mortal love.

For over a day, you had been missing. However, it did not cross Morpheus's mind until now. He was busy with the Dreaming, and with his newest dreams and nightmares. He didn't realize your presence was gone until he reached a hand beside him only to be greeted with the empty cold space. Instantly, his thoughts spun wildly out of control. Were you hurt? In any sort of trouble? Were you upset with him? What possibly happened to you? He searched and searched and could not find you in the Dreaming, anywhere.

If anything had happened, he would blame himself for eternity. His spiraling thoughts would not be silenced until he saw your smiling face. And strangely when he vocalized his concerns about your whereabouts, his usually chatty raven clammed up.

Thus, the ungodly tension in the room.

Morpheus's icy eyes, nearly glowing in the dim room, glared at Matthew. While Matthew stared down at the pristine stone floor rather than the being that transcended most known deities written throughout humanity's history. "Matthew," Morpheus asked slowly and evenly, although his voice boomed off of every surface, "are you not telling me something?"

"What? Me? Oh, no, I would never," Matthew chuckled nervously.

Morpheus stepped forward, his boots clapped like thunder across the floor. "I shall tell you now it is unwise to hide things from me."

Matthew shrunk and wearily glanced up. "It's - it's nothing, boss, really."

Morpheus bent down, eyeing the raven, "I'll ask again: where is (Y/N)?"

Matthew awkwardly shuffled side to side. "I - I don't know."

"Don't know, or don't care to say?"

"... it's ... well, it's - uh ... it's complicated." Matthew stumbled through his words, desperately trying not to reveal anything.

He made a promise to you to not tell. An idiotic, life-ruining promise.

"Matthew, I am begging you not to tell him. I want it to be a surprise," you pleaded.
Matthew sighed, sinking lower to the ground. "Okay, okay, I will, but he won't like it."
You crouched down, meeting Matthew at eye level. You smiled gently. "Hey, it is just a small secret - barely a secret really - that you have to keep. All you have to do is lie about where I am. Easy."
"Easy? He's an Endless, doesn't he know everything? Seen everything? Wouldn't he be like an automatic bullshit detector? How could I lie to him?"
You sighed, "It's just for a few hours, and maybe you won't have to lie at all. Maybe find a place to hide until it's over, I'll be in and out."
Matthew grumbled.
"Matthew." Gentle hands scooped under his talons, raising him up into the air. Matthew kept his head turned, unable and willing to look into your eyes. "Matthew, please."
Matthw internally grimaced. One look of your pleading eyes and he would cave - much like your dear Morpheus. You captured not only the heart of the Endless, but all of those in the Dreaming. Very few were willing to say no to you. Yet, curiosity could be cruel, so Matthew snuck a glance out of the corner of his eye.
Having raised him to eye level, your eyes bore directly into him. Wide and pleading. Your eyebrows knitted together as a minuscule frown tugged on your lips. Matthew winced. Instantly, he was ensnared by you. He sighed regrettably, "Yeah, okay, I got you covered."
An ecstatic smile broke out across your once grim face. "Thank you, Matthew, I promise I'll bring you something back as a thank you. Fries? Sweets? I could even make you something."
Matthew hummed, and smiled to himself. "If I survive the next couple of days, I would love some fries."
"Complicated, how?" Morpheus glared.

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