queen mother

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Summary: Being Morpheus's wife and Queen to a beautiful realm, you became a mother figure to all your subjects.

When Morpheus and you got married, you understood better than anyone everything you were marrying into. Yes, you were marrying Morpheus, but you were also marrying the whole universe and the people of the Dreaming.

To Morpheus it was surprising how you understood and took all that responsibilities with such grace and modesty. He felt proud of calling you his.

You were immediately involved in anything that had to do with the kingdom, you were interested in hearing the people from the realm, and the people from the Dreaming felt comforted as their queen made them feel important and heard.

While your husband took care of his creations and safeguarding the sleep of the whole world, you would visit your subjects, and engage with them.

Everyone considered you so important to the realm. You had become a mother figure to people around you, a role model, a safe place to go to.

Morpheus was a great king, everyone respected him. But he was undoubtedly, an imposing and dark presence, which most of the time scared people.

But you were a heartwarming person, someone approachable, someone who you wanted to tell your secrets to.

The King of Dreams was happy that his people now had you, as you had become the bridge of communication between him and his subjects.

Everyone came running to you as soon as they saw you, giving you countless gifts or just waiting to greet you and wish you a good day.

You had earned the name of Queen Mother due to the deep affection they had for you, it was also a way of acknowledging the bond you had with everyone.

This was a little of a shock to you, being recognised as a mother figure was a big deal but you grew fond to it; but Morpheus hadn't heard this specific popular nickname of yours.

One day, when he had finally made some time clear in his agenda to be with his wife, you two decided to go on a long walk around the kingdom and as soon as people saw you the name started coming out.

"Good evening, Queen Mother!"

"Lovely day today, Queen Mother"

Your lovely husband was confused at first, but seeing how you responded, he was quick to realise they were talking to you, he chuckled under his breathe, trying to hold back the smile that was forming in his lips.

"What?" you asked, giggling yourself and you were weak to your husband's contagious laugh.

"Nothing, my dear... It just seems to me that now I will have to compete for your attention against my whole kingdom" he teased, making you roll your eyes.

"Well, what can I say? I am a charming woman."

"Indeed, you are. But truly, I am glad that our kingdom adores you, as do I, of course. You have been nothing but a blessing to me and the realm itself."

You appreciated such words from your husband, because you knew he spoke in all honesty and with his heart, something you loved about him. There were no words to express your gratitude to this people and your spouse, as, it had been a blessing for you as well.

So, you could only smile, laying your head softly on Morpheus's shoulder as you continued to walk hand in hand and he kissed your forehead lovingly.

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