soft dream

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Lucienne slyly lets you know where Morpheus is while he's busy making new dreams, and you immediately stop playing with the Corinthian's little skull to go and see him. Before he can turn around or open his mouth, you've already rushed into him for a big ol' hug. At first, as you squeeze your arms around his stomach and squish your face into his pec, he has no idea what to do. When he feels your fingers splay over his back though, and your embrace becoming nothing but tighter, he finally seems to crumble. Just all the weight of his world, all the pressure, all the loneliness it brings to rule brings him to ruination at your feet. He falls to his knees, grasping onto your waist like a drowning man begging for forgiveness from the shore and pressing his cheek against your belly button. He only stops when he feels your forehead gently lean down to press against his own; only then, does he allow himself to close his eyes and just revel in the undeniable exoneration and reverence you're granting him.

And he apologises he apologises to you. For not being there for you. 'For being selfish. For not understanding... how much more I need you than I let myself believe.' You can see how bloodshot his eyes are, how close to tears he seems by the way his face seems to resign itself to the usual coldness and apoplectic way his chin seems to jut out. The only thing you can think of doing... the only thing you can do, is forgive him. You just gently unlatch one of his claws from your skin, and allow the slender fingers to stretch out and fall against your hand. He stares at you, confused and terrified as you bring it slowly to your lips and kiss each and every knuckle until a tear finally slips from the corner of his eye, like a fresh spring rain rolling down cold marble.

(You do warn him, though, that he has to bring Matthew with him any time he ventures out of the Dreaming, so he can report back and make sure that he's been on his best behaviour. Although he only grumbles in reply, this does wrangle a smile out of him as you take his other hand and help him stand again.)

It's SO sweet: from then on he tries to become closer to you, to try and understand how humans need and use physical contact to reassure and display to their partner how much their heart adores them, how much their soul calls and beckons and begs to be in their presence for every second they have. He just... doesn't really understand how to take these thoughts and actually turn them into actions yet? He's watched peoples' dreams, felt their emotions: their need, their loss, their grief, their love, their hope, and so he tries to replicate what he's seen. This ends up with him nearly scaring the pants off of you one random day when he throws the book he was reading down onto the Throne Room's floor, and begins squirming in his seat. At first you think he's angry, getting ready to storm off as you peer at him from over the spine of your own journal in trepidation. But then he just pinches his lips together in that usual look of unsettled resignation before he kicks his legs over the edge of his arm rest and turns so his head falls onto his lap.

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