stars in the waking world

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Summary: Morpheus and you decided to pay a visit to Death in the Waking World with your twins Hesperus & Eosphorus.

Today it was a very important day, because today was the very first day your twins were visiting the Waking World.

Ever since the birth of Eosphurus and Hesperus you hadn't left the Dreaming, both you and Morpheus too caught up with the twins and your shared responsibilities in the realm.

Now Eosphurus and Hesperus were old enough for you to accept the invitation to visit Death in the Waking World.

Eosphurus was called the morning star of Venus and Hesperus was his counterpart as the Evening star. The twins were awfully alike physically but Hesperus had black hair like their father and Eosphurus had golden locks and your same skin, meaning if the little one felt worried or sad his skin paled.

The twins were relentless, excited to meet this new world and they would look at everything so intently. Eosphurus had taken the lead, walking a few steps ahead of you and Morpheus while Hesperus was holding hands with both of you as you lifted him slightly rocking him.

This was the perfect picture of both of your sons, Eosphurus had always been more independent and adventurous, Hesperus was more timid and in seek of your protection, you were like his veil of confidence.

You met with Death on the bridge, both of the twins ran to their aunt who looked at their nephews faces with adoration.

"You have your father's eyes, my loves" she pointed out sweetly. Death hugged you tightly, she had a special connection to you having you in a great concept.

Sometimes it felt like Death was more to you than to Dream himself, she was eternally grateful to you for changing Dream's life and fulfilling one of his biggest dreams which was to be a father.

After what happened with Calliope and Orpheus, you had given him a brand new life.

Dream and Death were walking side by side while you had gone ahead with your sons that were holding each of your hands.

"I'm glad you decided to follow my advice all those years ago" Death said, looking over to his beautiful family. Dream smiled softly when Eosphurus had looked over and waved at his father and aunt.

"For that, I thank you, my sister. You were right when you said I had a future awaiting me" he acknowledged.

Years ago, when he had missed your centennial anniversary and conflicted after his encounter with Calliope he went to see Death in seek of guidance.

He was struggling as old sentiments arise from seeing his former wife but Death reminded him how he couldn't keep living two half lives, half in the present and half in the past.

"You deserve a happy and fulfilling life. Not the mere memory of one"

She had said, also letting him in on your wish to have children of your own to him. It was something you had envisioned for long enough, knowing that Morpheus was left thinking that the least he could do was try.

Now, looking back at those times, that was the best decision he could've ever taken at the time, because he couldn't imagine a life without you or his gorgeous sons, his bright Venus' stars.

The process of pregnancy and being parents had been all that he ever wished for, he was even glad to change diapers and barely getting any sleep.

All of it was worth it, and this new life would be missed if he decided to win Calliope back or simply remaining mourning on all memories.
He would've missed the chance of true happiness, the chance of letting himself be happy alongside you, Eos.

His beautiful dawn.

The chance of your love to create new life, two beautiful stars that would eventually light up the sky.

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