1 | Intoxicated

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" I wonder when this colour will turn into a blunder

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" I wonder when this colour will turn into a blunder ." The spectrum of colour around the bar was pleasant to watch , depicting my state quite a lot at the moment. But would it be the same tomorrow ? Every vibrance is meant to wash away at some point. Flowers wither , night takes over day and colour simply doesn't exist forever.

The way the drink burnt my throat was satisfying indeed . Getting high while sitting at an isolated corner , watching people enjoy or having drunk quarrel or making out on the dance floor was a source of entertainment. Along with it came the anxiety of getting caught. A feeling which crawled under my skin like a slow poison, every second intensifying its presence.

As soon as the worry hit me , I chugged another drink letting the burn of my throat distract the load of stress this moment was going to give me . Escaping my room was easy but returning back to that hell wasn't. Not when I would be most probably caught the next morning by my father's men and put back inside the very familiar four walls with a wound to tend . 

How far could it get worse ? That was a question to make myself think positively . Of course it couldn't go worse than getting more than one wound . I was used to it . Shaking my head while fighting with the urge of breaking out in my own wretched laughter, I looked around again. The bottle of drink I was sitting with was already empty and that would be the worst thing to happen tonight.

I didn't intend to down it all already. How shall the rest of the night pass ? My best friend with whom I had come with was nowhere to be found either. That traitor bitch must be fuvking around with a guy already. Perks of having a good ass . Samuel was the only radiant being and the cause why I was still breathing although life could still be a survival game .

He was like a support system without whom I would collapse. Now under the influence of alcohol I wasn't capable of making the right decision. I had only two things in mind . One that I didn't wish for tomorrow to appear and second, although I knew tomorrow would appear anyway , I needed my mind off the worry which alcohol couldn't prohibit .

" Guess I shall get myself a man as well ." My voice slurred while my eyes travelled through the spectrum rays . Music was already echoing because of my drunken phase but even with my blurry sight I didn't miss the set of orbs which were looking at me tenaciously.

I felt it first when Samuel left my side and I could sense it closer now , watching me from the other side of the bar . He looked familiar, heck those eyes were too known but my unstable mind could not really process at the moment. Well familiarity could go to hell at the moment cause I wanted a distraction and this set of chocolate eyes seemed to be the perfect one .

A smile crawled up on my lips as I dropped the empty bottle of alcohol in my hands and stood up , instantly stumbling. That didn't stop me from taking careless steps and approaching the guy who didn't seem to be phased with my presence. Rather , he spread his legs while sitting on the stool near the bar and welcomed me to walk in between. A bold one indeed .

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