12 | Beast's trust in his beauty

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Taehyung's POV

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Taehyung's POV

The clattered sounds of the broken glasses beneath my feet welcomed a disquiet feeling when I stepped inside the room where my father was previously kept . The room was in a blunder with shattered tables and shelves . The heart rate monitor, although not connected to him anymore, was blaring out the beeping sound nonstop, making my head throb and ear ring .

The possibility of my father getting injured or the fact that I could have lost him completely was itself capable of leaving me torn between anger and fear . The anger could be shown to the world to make them shiver with the terror of their trepidation . But the fear… I was taught to hide it in the shadows , to get swarmed by my fear until it choked me . Right at the moment standing in the midst of this physical and my mental torment I felt myself raging causing my whole being to tremble .

" Boss , we found the one behind this !" A shout from behind lit the spark to my rage . I didn't turn back but remained constant until the guy approached me himself and stood in front. Minho held some pictures, his expression being the one in major disdain. " It's one of Lee's men . But there's more to it ."

My eyes instantly locked on the man ahead rather than the pictures . He was well aware of what I was asking for , hence he continued. "The man who attacked the quarter where Mister Kim was kept was found interacting with Lee Y/n and Samuel this morning in this very hospital . Isn't that strange ? "

Minho was fighting off the growing grin on his face , trying to shove the pictures in my way . When my eyes finally caught a glimpse of those my reaction was kept neutral yet my voice said whatever I felt from within. " Where are they now ?" It was a short and simple question, yet the weight of it made the others gulp down their fears . In these times I felt superior to be scared of but right now it was different.

I only felt the burning rage which kept growing slowly reaching my head . It was only a matter of time till it would burst either in the form of flames or a bullet piercing the perpetrators head . " They left before the attack happened. She was here for a checkup they said but the real reason is put forth clearly , boss ."

I sighed and stepped back nodding my head while my hand ran through my hair . It was getting overwhelming slowly . " Where's dad been kept ?" I turned to face one of the doctors who stood inside the room , fear evident on his features quite well and clearly . " He is kept under heavy security and has been checked. We managed to avoid any major injuries or problems. "

The new information was like a cube of ice dropped on my aflamed anger , causing it to diminish a little. Right now getting blinded by anger and believing anything wouldn't do any good. Not when I had snakes in my very own team who had already started attacking from behind .

" Great . Keep a check that nobody except the trusted doctors assigned could even step near my father's periphery. Not even men from this group except myself are allowed to enter . Is that made clear ?" When everyone uttered out a yes, it was finally time to disqualify the one behind this chaos . With one sharp intake of breath I stepped out , my men following behind.

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