02- Marry him anyway?

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"Khun Nattawat, your father asked me to inform you about the evening guests."

"Fine, let them come, what to me?"

"They want you to be ready, sir."

"Okay, you can leave."

When the maid left the room, I threw myself on my bed and took my phone out of my pocket and stared at the screen.

2+ Notification

gemnorini sent you a follow request

accept ✅ decline ❌

request accepted ✅

hey beautiful


how are you?

well i'm not that fine
how abt u?

i'm so tired as always
and now we're having guests

oh man
I won't hold you then, go get ready
i'm going to meet my.. whatever shit

well, keep waiting then

seen 16:32

I immediately took a shower and came to my closet. A black shirt and pants would have been nice.A few accessories... Rolex watch, ring (my ring finger was empty) and a chain necklace.


After a while, my father called me. I immediately went downstairs and went to my parents who were sitting in the living room.

"Yes dad?"

"Son, we have something to talk to you."

"I am listening."

"We know you are still younger. But our guests are important to us. We have been working with them for a long time, they are a very reliable family. They have only one son. And we want you to marry him."



"Dad, i'm 18!"

"I know, son. But this will be a very good step for our business. Can't you just try to get to know their son? Go on dates, travel, live your youth. But get married. Besides, you're alone, a husband will be great for you and your reputation."

"I already have eyes on someone!"

"Forget about them, then."

"It's so unfair! Why can't I live my youth just like everyone?"

"Fourth, lower your voice."

"But dad-"

"No buts."

I felt sick. That was a nonsense. What about him? Did he really wanted to marry someone he doesn't know?

But what about Gemini?

He was the only one i've ever wanted.

"Nattawat, come and greet our guests."

I finally accepted my fate and went downstairs.

"Fourth, this is Gemini, your fiance."



Both of them were shocked. Fourth never thought that his family's business partners were Gemini's parents. The fact is, how he'd never met Gemini then?

"My fiancé?"

"You guys know each other? That's so good. You can keep up then, and we can quickly do the wedding."

Said Gemini's dad.

Gemini dragged Fourth inside as their parents watched them silently.

"Fourth look-"

"It's okay Gemini. I know, you don't want to marry me or dating something like that. Don't worry, i'll talk to them. You don't need to marry someone that you're not into."

"Fourth, how do you know i'm not into you?"


"Look Fourth. Maybe i'm not inlove with you, or i don't like you. But that doesn't mean I will never fall in love with you. We can try it. For our parents."


"Let's go talk to them."

Finally, they returned to the living room. Their parents were waiting for them. Fourth cleared his throat and took Gemini's hand. He looked at Gemini and then looked at his parents.

"Dad, Mr. Kornwit, we have thought about this. And, we're thinking maybe we can give it a try?"

Their parents looked impressed. On the other hand, Gemini was so shy. He felt butterflies in his stomach when Fourth held his hand.

"Then, let's go for dinner. The food is served."

The families sat at the dinner table. The night was passing very well, there were funny and pleasant conversations at the table. Gemini and Fourth sometimes looked at each other and smiled.

"Gemini and Fourth, when do you want to have a wedding sons? We were thinking of doing it a little early. Besides, we'll be seeing each other more often now."

Asked Gemini's dad. They have never thought about this so they left the decision to their parents.

"As you wish, father."

Gemini was sitting silently, because he was still so shy.

"What about the next week?"

"You are right Mr. Kornwit. The sooner the better."

"Gemini, son, what do you think?"

"I think so too, dad."

And as these conversations continued, the families happily finished their dinner and returned home.


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