17- Guilty or innocent?

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"No! Gemini is not that kind of a person! I know there is something else!"


Gemini didn't understand what he was feeling. Was he nervous? Was he sad? Was he happy?

He was having a mental breakdown just in a few seconds. Just then Fourth spotted Gemini in the stairs. He ran towards him and looked at him.

"F-Fourth.. are we going to get a... d-divorce?"

Fourth's eyes were teary. He pushed Gemini back, his push wasn't that harsh. But it made Gemini startled. Their parents were watching them in silence. Fourth felt like Gemini too. He didn't know what to believe.

"Gemini.. how could you.."

Fourth almost cried. He tried to stay strong but he couldn't. He was so lost in his feelings.

"F-Fourth.. yes i did it. I am not denying it. But i swear, that wasn't what i wanted! I never wanted to play with your feelings! Instead, i really fell in love with you! You believe me, right? You believe me, yes darling, huh? You know i would never do some shit like that to you Fourth i promise!"

Fourth just looked at him, with cold and mad eyes. Gemini's eyebrows twirled, he shook Fourth by his shoulder. Fourth took his hand and placed it right next to him. And then he whispered, while he was barely holding his tears.

"Please go."

Gemini's blood ran cold. He took Fourth's hands and kneeled infront of him. Gemini was begging, but Fourth didn't even tried to move. He was so distant and his tears were falling. He was having an attack. Gemini was saying something, but Fourth didn't hear anything.

"Fourth.. please babe... don'tact like this.. hear me out first! I know my fault and the shitty thing i did. I love you so much, i swear Fourth, if i had to reborn, i would still be your husband.. Fourth i can't live without you a-and.. our baby is still so little, we can't raise him without each other right? We need each other for him.. not just for him but our hearts need each other.. Fourth please answer me.."

Gemini wasn't aware of his conversation. He was just saying the first thing that came to his mind. Their parents were watching them silently, instantly regretting what they have done.

Gemini's mom got closer to them, and she held Gemini's hand with regret, guilt and hesitation. She tried to pull Gemini back, but Gemini didn't let go of Fourth's hands. His mom started crying as she realized her son's condition. She felt guilt running through her veins.

"Fourth! Fourth?"

Mile called his son, he wanted to see what was he up to. Fourth's knees and hands were shaking, he hardly even stood up looking 'strong' infront of Gemini.

"Your knees will hurt, stand up."

"I-I am not going or standing anywhere before we talk."

"I'm not sure if i want to talk. I am going to sleep."

With that, Fourth left the hall and ran upstairs. He lied, he wasn't going to sleep. Instead, he entered Nani's, their sons room. He looked at his bed and saw that Nani was lifting his hands and legs. He was so calm and he looked like an angel. Fourth smiled as he sat down to the chair which was standing right next to Nani's baby bed. Nani was smiling, unaware, and it kinda made Fourth's heart flutter.

"Why are you smiling baby? So happy to see your dad crying?"

Yes, Fourth still was crying, but he also smiled too.

On the other hand, Gemini couldn't found a way to stand up. He was crying nonstop, his dad tried to get him but he pushed everyone who tried to hold him.

Gemini's mom secretly tried to call his cousin too, she knew Gemini loved his cousin. He would never resist to his cousin.

[Kay, son, i need your help na. I'm sending you the location, please come now.]

She hang up on Kay and starting calling Gemini.

"Gemini! Don't you see he hates you?! Stop acting pathetic, let's go!"

Gemini stood up and he slowly walked upstairs. His face was pale, he tried to snap out of this shittiest feeling and talk to Fourth. He opened the door of their room, but he wasn't there. He looked all around the room and then he threw himself to the bed.

"He is never going to believe me.."


Gemini quickly turned around to see Fourth with their baby. He was looking at them, while Fourth was getting closer. He looked at Fourth's eyes, his eyes were glassy.

"Fourth, please let me explain na.."

"Gemgem, i believe you. Don't worry.. i just feel so overwhelmed now.. i'll get over this.."

Gemini smiled and hugged them both his son, and his husband.

"I'm glad you believe me."

"I promised that we will never get a divorce, yeah. But i want to hear the story from your perspective too. Without any 'i was forced' things."

Gemini sighed and he nodded. He started talking about how his dad was cheating on people to get himself more money. He was giving lots of debts to people, and use violence to get them back, with more advance. Fourth was so mad.

"Fourth.. i love you so much and you are right to be mad at me. They are your parents after all."

"Gemini, yes, they are my parents. But you are my family. How can i let go of you and our son huh? Why did you even thought that i was going to divorce you. Obviously, no. Never Gemini. I love you and our so too much. Much more than myself and anyone. And i was not going to lose the most precious person in my life."

Fourth kissed his forehead and as they were going to hug, someone entered the room.



"Do you guys know each other?"

Hellooo hellooo guys, how are you? Sorry for updating late, but i need to. It is about health things, but i'll try to make it more interesting. PLEASE TELL ME YOU AREN'T GETTING BORED 😭😭🤞🏻


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